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《灵界经历》 第4860节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4860

4860. About demons and their hell

Along with certain spirits, I was let down into some hell of demons that was at the back. But it was granted to see only a little, because it was dangerous for vision not to be blocked here. For the result would be that their operations would immediately flow in, which are extremely damaging, because they do not flow into the things themselves being thought of, but into the thought's desires. What was granted to see were walls like those of a large building, except without roof and without windows. In place of windows there are large openings. It was said there that they cannot dwell in houses in which there are roofs and windows, and that when they do they begin to feel constricted as if they are being suffocated. The reason is that windows symbolize things pertaining to thinking, and roofs what closes it in.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4860


I was let down, with certain spirits, into a certain hell of genii which is at the back; but it was then granted me to see but little; for it was dangerous for the sight to be opened, because, in this way, their operations - which are most hurtful because they are not into the very matter of the thought, but into the affections thereof - would at once inflow. This it was granted me to see. There were walls, as of a great building, but without roof and without windows. In place of windows are great openings. It was said, there, that they cannot dwell in houses that have roofs and windows, and that, in case they do, they experience tightness, as if they are being suffocated. The reason is, because windows signify those things which are of thought, and roofs its upward limit.

Experientiae Spirituales 4860 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4860. De geniis et eorum inferno

Cum quibusdam spiritibus demissus sum in aliquod infernum geniorum, quod a tergo, sed tunc parum datum est videre, nam periculosum erat ut recluderetur ille visus, sic enim operationes illorum illico influerent, quae sunt damnosissimae, quia non sunt in ipsas res cogitationis, sed in affectiones ejus: quod videre datum erat, erant muri sicut magni aedificii, sed absque tecto et absque fenestris, loco fenestrarum sunt aperturae magnae, dicebatur ibi, quod non habitare possint in domibus, quibus tecta ac fenestrae, et quod tunc in angustias veniant quasi suffocentur, causa est, quia fenestrae significant illa quae sunt cogitationis, et tecta clausuram ejus.

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