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《灵界经历》 第4861节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4861

4861. It was also said that they dwell in swamps and very sordid places, and that they certainly see but do not speak to each other.

Those who become demons are those who in the world spoke little but loved to think, and when they did, to think ill of the neighbor. They were glad when they spread harm, especially if they were able to accomplish this secretly, remaining hidden all the while. Those in this life love to do the same thing. But when they do this, their ability to think is gradually taken from them, their will remaining the same as in the world, from which they have a constant urge to do evil. They also do evil if in no other way than from a certain kind of inner fantasy. This too appears, it is unspeakably horrible to see, when sight is opened that far.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4861

4861. It was also said, that they dwell in marshes and in most filthy places; and that they do indeed see each other, but do not speak together. Those who become genii are such as in the world, spoke but little, but loved to think, and always ill of the neighbor, and exulted when injury was suggested to them - especially if they were able to carry it out clandestinely, and all the while lie concealed. In that life, they love the like conduct; but, then, the faculty of thinking is taken from them by degrees - the will, from which they are in the continual attempt to do evil, remaining similar to what it was in the world. They also do evil, if in no other way, from a certain kind of interior phantasy. This also, which is abominable to see, appears when the sight is opened that far.

Experientiae Spirituales 4861 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4861. Dicebatur etiam quod habitent in paludibus et in locis sordidissimis, et quod se quidem videant, sed inter se non loquantur. Qui genii fiunt, sunt qui in mundo parum loquuti sunt, sed amaverunt cogitare, et tunc male de proximo, laetati cum infectum illis damnum, imprimis si illi id clandestine moliri potuerint, et usque latere, illi in illa vita simile amant, at tunc per gradus adimitur illis cogitandi facultas, remanente voluntate simili quae in mundo, ex qua in continuo nisu malefaciendi sunt, etiam malefaciunt, si non aliter ex quadam specie phantasiae interioris; hoc apparet quoque, quod nefandum videre, cum aperitur visus eo usque.

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