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《灵界经历》 第4865节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4865

4865. Heaven

About the language of spirits and angels and their writings

I was further informed of the nature of the speech of spirits and angels by experience. It is articulate and verbal. However it is still, as may be said, a perfectly natural language because all the mind's affections, whatever they are, and all its mental images, whatever they are, have their corresponding affections in the body, which are indescribable. They do this because they affect the body and its various parts as those affections ordinarily do; within a person they lift the chest, contract and expand the lungs, make the breathing free or constricted, or else contract and dilate the stomach, or affect the part below, as well as the face and eyes. Such corresponding affections are clearly felt in the body of spirits and angels, and when they speak, they enunciate the words articulately according to the feeling arising from them. Thus, speech and affections make one.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4865


I was still further instructed, by experience, as to the nature of the speech of spirits and angels. It is articulate, and of words; but still it is, so to say, a perfectly natural language, for all affections of the mind, whatever they are, and all ideas of a thing, whatever they are, have their corresponding affections in the body, which cannot be described; for they affect the body and its various parts as all affections are wont to do. These affections with man, raise the breast, contract and dilate the lungs, cause freedom or difficulty of breathing, or also contract or dilate the belly, or affect the lower part, as also the face and eyes. Such corresponding affections are felt manifestly in the bodies of spirits and angels; and when they speak, they enunciate the words articulately, according to their sensation of those affections. Thus their speech and affections make one.

Experientiae Spirituales 4865 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4865. Coelum

De Loquela spirituum et angelorum et scripturis

Ulterius per experientiam informatus sum, qualis spiritibus et angelis loquela, est articulata et vocum, sed usque est, ut ita dicatur, lingua prorsus naturalis; omnes enim affectiones mentis, quaecunque sunt, et omnes ideae rei quaecunque sunt, habent in corpore eorum correspondentes affectiones, quae describi non possunt, afficiunt enim corpus et ejus varias partes, sicut solent omnes affectiones, quae apud hominem elevant pectus, contrahunt et dilatant pulmones, libertatem vel angustiam respirationis faciunt, vel etiam contrahunt et dilatant ventrem, vel afficiunt inferiorem partem, vel etiam faciem et oculos, tales correspondentes affectiones in corpore spirituum et angelorum manifeste sentiuntur, et cum loquuntur, enuntiant voces articulate secundum sensum ex illis, sic loquela et affectiones unum faciunt.

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