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《灵界经历》 第4866节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4866

4866. Spirits know of this way of speaking spontaneously, for as has been said, it is entirely natural. Articulate words are composed, just as are the words of human language, of the [sounds] in the alphabet. Of especial use to them are vowels, with many variations of each. I was given an example: A lascivious feeling was aroused in me and it was felt in the part below the abdomen in the usual way, which was noticed by bystanders, who said, "rua raha," which meant the lascivious arousal of that part. After this, I focused my attention on others, fixing my eyes on them, and they were then affected by my looking, which I felt in the part around the eyes. As fitted this feeling they uttered the words, "ura raha," which is the arousal of the sight. It is the same with all other words. From this it is clear what the nature and origin of the language of spirits among themselves is.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4866

4866. Spirits themselves are acquainted with this speech spontaneously; for, as was said, it is a perfectly natural one. The articulate words are composed, like those of human language, of those characters which are in the alphabet. Especially do they employ vowels of every kind, with much variety. An example was afforded me. Lasciviousness was excited in me; and this was felt, in a general way, in the part below the abdomen, which was perceived by the bystanders, who said rua raha, which signified the excitation of that part to lasciviousness. I afterwards looked at others with fixed gaze, and they were then affected by my look, which was felt by me in the part around the eyes: according to the agreement of that sensation, they pronounced ura raha, which is excitation of look. So in other cases. Hence it is clear of what nature, and from whence, is the speech of spirits with each other.

Experientiae Spirituales 4866 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4866. Hanc loquelam sciunt spiritus ex seipsis, nam, ut dictum, est prorsus naturalis; voces articulatae compositae sunt sicut linguae humanae ex illis, quae in alphabeth; imprimis inserviunt illis vocales cum multa varietate cujusvis; exemplum mihi datum est, excitabatur mihi lascivia, et hoc sentiebatur in parte infra abdomen communi modo, quod percipiebatur ab astantibus, qui dicebant "Rua raha," quod significabat lasciviae illius partis excitationem; postea oculis intensis intuebar in alios, et tunc aspectu meo afficiebantur, quod sentiebatur mihi in parte circum oculos, secundum convenientiam illius sensationis pronuntiabant, "ura raha," quod est aspectus excitatio; sic in reliquis, inde patet, qualis est, et unde est loquela spirituum inter se.

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