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《灵界经历》 第4872节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4872

4872. About the dragon and his gang

I was taken down to the lower regions, where the worst of the devils are, but this happened in my sleep, and I then seemed to be meandering, and lastly came to stony ruins of houses, where in the end there was no way out. I wanted to go to the city but in the dream was led by devils. Three devils came to me then. When I spoke with them, I asked the way to the city and promised one of them money to show me the way to city. But at this point I suddenly awoke and was in the place where the most malicious hells are. Out of their midst one came toward me, and then, being in his aura, I at once began to doubt about the Divine. However, at this point I was only half-awake.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4872


I was let down - but in sleep - to the lower regions, where are the worst of the devils; and I then seemed to lose my way, and at length arrived at the ruins of houses, where, at last, there was no exit. I wished to go to a city, but was led about, in this way, in a dream, by devils; and then three devils accosted me, and I spoke with them. I inquired the way to the city, and promised one of them money to show me the way to the city. But I then suddenly awoke, and was in a place where are the most malicious hells. Forth from their midst one came towards me, and then, in his sphere, I straight way commenced to doubt concerning the Divine; but, as yet, I was not more than half-awake.

Experientiae Spirituales 4872 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4872. De Dracone et ejus turba

Delatus sum ad inferiora, ubi pessimi ex diabolis, sed in somno, et tunc videbar vagari per errores, et tandem perveni ad rudera domuum, ubi tandem non exitus, volui ire ad urbem, sed ita in somnio ductus a diabolis, tunc tres diaboli me adibant, cum quibus loquutus quaesivi viam ad urbem, et pollicebar uni eorum pecunias, ut monstraret mihi viam ad urbem: sed tunc subito evigilatus sum, et eram in loco, ubi inferna malitiosissima, e medio eorum accedebat unus versus me, et tunc statim in sphaera ejus incepi dubitare de Divino, sed eram adhuc modo vigil ad dimidium.

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