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《灵界经历》 第4875节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4875

4875. It was asked further, who those above were who revealed such things to these devils, and it was found that there were many. They were those who when in the world had a falsely convincing faith concerning the Word and concerning the doctrine of their Church but yet had lived evilly, and it was found that most of them had been well-educated and that their principal belief was that God the Father rules all and that He shows mercy only on account of the Son to those who believe according to the doctrine of the Church. Therefore it is not permissible for them to say they deny the Divinity of the Son, although they do so at heart.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4875

4875. It was further inquired what persons were above, who could reveal such things to those devils; and it was found that it was a number of persons, who, in the world, were in a persuasive faith concerning the Word and concerning the doctrine of their church, but still lived ill, and that many of them were learned [from] scientifics, and that they especially had the faith that GOD the Father governs all things, and that He only has mercy on them for the sake of the Son - they believe, namely, according to the doctrine of the church; consequently, as respects the divinity of the Son, although they do not deny it with the mouth, yet they do in the heart.

Experientiae Spirituales 4875 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4875. Porro inquisitum est, quinam essent supra qui revelarent diabolis illis talia, et compertum quod essent plures, qui in mundo fuerunt in fide persuasiva de Verbo, deque doctrina Ecclesiae suae, sed usque male vixerunt; et quod plerique eorum fuerint docti scientificis; et quod imprimis fidem habuerint, quod Deus Pater omnia regat, et quod modo propter Filium [iis] faciat misericordiam, qui secundum doctrinam Ecclesiae credunt, proinde quod Divinitatem Filii licet non ore, usque corde negent.

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