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《灵界经历》 第4876节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4876

4876. For the fact is that they make the Lord only a human being who can save no one, although they are saved by the Father through Him. Therefore in their prayers and in their sermons they appeal to the Father to show mercy on account of the Son. And thus they pass by the Lord and speak with the Father when nevertheless they know that no one can come to the Father except through the Lord [John 14:6]; that the Lord is the way [ibid.]; He is the mediator [Matt. 11:27], that the Father hears no one otherwise than mediately through the Lord, as He Himself says [John 1:18, 14:7]; and that without the Lord there is no salvation [John 3:15-18]. They know that the Lord has all power in heaven and on earth [Matt. 28:18], and also that the Father is in Him [John 14:11] and one with Him [John 10:30]. But they explain these in another way.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4876

4876. For they make out the Lord to be only a man, who can save nobody. It is allowed that they are saved by the Father through Him, wherefore, in prayers and preachings, they supplicate the Father that He will have mercy for the sake of the Son; and so they pass by the Lord, and speak with the Father, when yet they know that no one can come to the Father but by the Lord; that the Lord is the Way and the Mediator; and that the Father hears no one save mediately through the Lord, as also He Himself says; also, that without the Lord there is no salvation. They know that the Lord has all power in the heavens and in earth, and that the Father is in Him and one with Him; but they explain these things in a different way.

Experientiae Spirituales 4876 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4876. Faciunt enim Dominum solum hominem, qui neminem salvare potest, licet per Ipsum a Patre salventur, quapropter in precibus et in praedicationibus supplicant ad Patrem ut propter Filium misericordiam faciat, et sic praetereunt Dominum et loquuntur cum Patre, cum tamen sciunt, quod nemo ad Patrem venire possit nisi per Dominum [Joh. XIV: 6]; et quod Dominus sit via [ibid.], sit mediator [Matth. XI: 27], et quod Pater neminem audiat nisi mediate per Dominum, sicut Ipse quoque dicit [Joh. I: 18, XIV: 7], tum quod absque Domino nulla salus [Joh. III: 15-18]; sciunt quod Domino sit omnis potestas in coelis et in terra [Matth. XXVIII: 18], tum quod Pater sit in Ipso [Joh. XIV: 11], et unus cum Ipso [Joh. X: 30], sed haec aliter explicant.

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