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《灵界经历》 第488节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 488

488. A great mystery

It is a great mystery that the whole angelic heaven has been so formed as to correspond completely to a Human being, as a whole and as to its single parts, and all its members, and that this greatest Human being was completely corrupted by falls, so that lower things were dominating over higher ones. Thence came the necessity that Jesus Christ should come into the world and should conquer the devil, and thereby restore order, and thus be the One and Only Human Being to whom the Universe related.

It is because of this that Jesus Christ is the all in all the parts and that with Him Alone, the angelic heaven interacts; and that the lower and lowest gang has been cast away beneath His feet, like slag or dung. Therefore one who is not in Jesus Christ, or in His Body, is not in heaven. 1748, the 18th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 488


It is a great mystery that the entire angelic heaven is so formed that in every respect it corresponds to Man in the universal and in the singular, and to all his members; and that this Grand Man [Maximus Homo] has become altogether perverse by lapses, so that things inferior dominate those that are superior. 1From this was the necessity that Jesus Christ should come into the world and conquer the devil, and thus restore order, and so be the one Only Man, to Whom the Universe might refer itself. Hence it is that Jesus Christ is the All in all, and to Him alone the angelic heaven corresponds; and that the lower, and the lowest crew are rejected like dross or dung beneath His feet. Hence he who is not in Jesus Christ, or in His Body, is not in heaven. 1748, Jan. 18.


1. Crossed out: "And they desire the lowest things above the highest."

Experientiae Spirituales 488 (original Latin 1748-1764)

488. Magnum mysterium

Magnum mysterium est, quod universum coelum angelicum ita formatum sit, ut prorsus correspondeat Homini, in universali et singulari, ejusque omnibus membris, et quod hic maximus Homo, prorsus perversus factus sit per lapsus, sic ut inferiora dominarentur super superiora; inde necessitas, quod Jesus Christus in mundum venturus esset, et vinceret diabolum 1

, et sic restitueret ordinem, et sic esset Unicus Homo, ad Quem Universum se referret, inde est, quod Jesus Christus omnis in omnibus est, ac Ipsi Soli correspondeat coelum angelicum, et quod turba inferior et infima, tanquam scoriae seu stercora, rejecta sit sub pedes Ipsius, inde qui non est in Jesu Christo, seu in Ipsius corpore, non est in coelo. 1748, die 18 Jan.


1. In the Manuscript diabolus, in diabolum emendatum

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