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《灵界经历》 第489节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 489

489. About the harmonious hymns of the angels

Today I heard angels of the inward heaven, 1very many of them in concert, composing a hymn, which was clearly audible to my hearing. What they were saying I could not understand, because they were angels; nor were the spirits around me able to understand what it was. Only from a certain variation of my inward feeling, I was able to learn that what is heavenly was in it. The angels clearly understood those hymns, which to me were just like a continuous childlike sound, resembling the sound of a flute. They were, to be sure, in a heavenly gyre made up of very many, saying and depicting the same thing at the same time.

Afterwards I was informed what they had said, namely, that by their hymns they had fashioned a golden crown set with diamonds around the Head of our Savior, which was done as well by heavenly displays as by distinct mental images, which are the beginnings of human words, unintelligible to spirit or man; and what is amazing, many say and portray this simultaneously, and one does not command the other in a way that anyone is directing the chorus, but all are mutually leading each other at the same time - in fact the more there are, the more easily it goes. For they are all ruled by God the Messiah.

That harmony is unbelievable to a person on earth, yet spiritual and heavenly harmony is of this nature. Moreover, the angels stream into and are turned about in spiritual and heavenly gyres in countless varying patterns. Some of the more basic ones I myself have been let into and was able to follow; but any who try to act on their own, to command the rest, unwilling to let themselves be led, cannot possibly join in except under coercion. Souls are brought gradually into harmony and unanimity of these kinds, so that they are finally able to live among angels. 1748, the 18th day of January.


1. See footnote number 3 at 262.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 489


Today, I heard angels of the interior heaven, of whom there were very many in consociation, forming a hymn which was plainly audible to me, but I could not understand what they were saying because they were angels; neither could the spirits who were about me perceive what it was. I could only recognize from a certain variety of interior affection, that there was something heavenly in it. The angels perceived those hymns clearly. To me, they were like a continuous infantile sound, resembling that of a flute: and they were in a heavenly gyre which very many form, and they say and represent the same thing together. I was afterwards informed what they had been saying, namely, that by their hymns they had been forming a golden crown with diadems about the head of our Savior, which was effected both by means of heavenly representations, and by distinct ideas which are the beginnings of human words but intelligible to no spirit or man; and what is wonderful, very many say and represent this together. Nor does one command another, so that no one leads the choir, but all together lead each other mutually, and indeed the more there are, so much the more easily is this done; because all are governed by God Messiah, that harmony is incredible to man, nevertheless such is the nature of spiritual and celestial harmony. Moreover, they flow and are carried round into spiritual and celestial gyres which are of innumerable variety. I was also admitted into certain grosser gyres which I could follow. 1But he who wants to act from himself and to command the others, and is unwilling to suffer himself to be led, can by no means be among them, except compulsorily. Into such harmonies and agreements are souls reduced by degrees, so that at length they can be among the angels 21748, Jan. 18.


1. Crossed out: "but I am not yet [admitted] into such gyres, because I am a man; if I were admitted nothing could..."

2. Crossed out: "Otherwise, they are rejected."

Experientiae Spirituales 489 (original Latin 1748-1764)

489. De hymnis harmonicis angelorum

Hodie audivi angelos interioris coeli, quorum perplures in consortio hymnum [erant] formantes 1

, qui ad auditum mihi 2

clare audiebatur, sed quid dicerent, non potui intelligere, quia angeli erant; spiritus circum me, nec potuerunt percipere quid esset, solum ex quadam interioris 3

affectionis varietate cognoscere potui, quod inesset coeleste, angeli eos hymnos clare percipiebant, erant mihi sicut sonus infantilis continuus, soni tibialis instar, et quidem in gyro coelesti, quem perplures formant, et simul idem dicunt et repraesentant, postea informatus, quid dixissent, nempe quod per hymnos suos formassent coronam auream cum adamantibus circum Caput Salvatoris nostri, quod fiebat tam per coelestes repraesentationes, quam per ideas distinctas, quae sunt principia vocum humanarum, a nullo spiritu aut homine intelligibiles, et mirabile est, quod plurimi simul id dicant et repraesentent, nec unus imperat alteri, sic ut aliquis ducat chorum, sed omnes simul se mutuo ducunt, imo quo plures sunt, eo facilius, quia 4

reguntur omnes a Deo Messia; harmonia ista est homini incredibilis, usque talis est spiritualis, et coe1estis; praeterea in gyros spirituales et coelestes fluunt et circumvolvuntur, qui innumerabilis varietatis sunt; in crassiores quosdam etiam admissus sum, et sequi potui, at qui ex se agere vult, reliquis imperare, nec se pati duci, nequaquam potest interesse, nisi coacte; in tales harmonias et convenientias animae per gradus rediguntur, ut tandem interesse 5

queant angelis. 1748, d. 18 Jan.


1. vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

2. In the Manuscript meum forte in mihi emendatum

3. The Manuscript has interioris vel forte interiori

4. The Manuscript has facilius; quia

5. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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