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《灵界经历》 第4886节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4886

4886. It was also then shown that those who were in the first entrance to heaven were so worldly that they sought nothing else than a position for the sake of the honor it would bring. There were several thousand together there, and they wanted to institute a government similar to that on earth, each one eager to be more prestigious than the others and not for the purpose of doing what is beneficial. As in the world, this led to the beginning of enmities, trickeries, hypocrisies, and the like, and finally to such feelings of enmity that they wanted to fight among themselves. When they noticed this devil, those there, believing he could give them such functions as these and hand out honors, gave their allegiance to him and from this entrance to heaven went to him in crowds. When this happened, it looked like what is said of the dragon in Revelation that his tail drew down a third part of the stars from heaven [12:4].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4886

4886. It was then also shown that there were, in the first entrance to heaven, some who were so thoroughly worldly that they sought after nothing else but offices, for the sake of honor. Several thousands of them were together, and wished to institute a similar government as on earth - everyone with the aim of being super-eminent over others and not from an end of doing good. Hence were begun, as in the world, enmities, craftiness, hypocrisies and the like; and, at length, the enmities were so great that they wished to fight each other. These, when they perceived that devil there, believed that he was able to grant them such offices and to distribute honors; wherefore, they attached and betook themselves to him, from that threshold of heaven, in crowds. This then appeared like what is said in the Apocalypse about the dragon, that his tail should draw down from heaven a third part of the stars.

Experientiae Spirituales 4886 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4886. Ostensum etiam tunc, quod in primo introitu ad coelum essent, qui in tantum mundani essent, ut nihil aliud quaererent quam munia honoris causa, illorum aliquot millia simul erant, et simile regimen sicut in terra volebant instituere, quisque studio supereminendi super alios, et non ex fine benefaciendi, inde inchoabantur, ut in mundo, inimicitiae, astutiae, hypocrises, et similia, et tandem inimicitiae ut inter se confligere vellent, hi ibi appercepto diabolo illo, et credentes quod is posset talia munia illis dare, et honores distribuere, alligabant se ei, et de atrio illo coeli se conferebant turmatim ad illum; hoc tunc apparebat sicut de dracone in Apocalypsi, quod cauda sua detraheret de coelo tertiam partem stellarum [XII: 4].

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