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《灵界经历》 第4888节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4888

4888. There are also very many, who must be called fornicators and adulterers, who say they acknowledge the true doctrine and yet do this only with the mouth, not with the heart. These were seen fornicating and committing adultery. There were others who in the world had been zealous in sacred matters, reading the Word, teaching it, and yet not on account of [a concern for] living rightly but only on account of doctrine, saying that faith in doctrine's teachings is what saves, not life. They appeared fornicating and committing adultery from behind.

But there are various kinds of fornication and adultery. Adulteries actually come about through those, and they commit them [themselves], who take such things from the sense of the letter, which they use to support evil's falsehoods, using the Word perversely in this way. Filthy adulteries are committed by those who use the Word for filthy things, profaning or defiling it in this way.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4888

4888. There were also very many who are to be styled fornicators and adulterers, who have said that they acknowledge true doctrine, and yet only acknowledged it with the mouth, not with the heart. There were others, who, in the world, have been zealous about holy things, reading the Word, and teaching it, and yet not on account of life's sake, but solely on account of doctrine, saying that doctrinal faith saves, not life. These appeared to commit whoredom and adultery, at the back. But there exist whoredoms and adulteries of various kinds. Adulteries also happen through those - and they commit it - who confirming the falses of evil, thus from unfairly applying the Word: filthy adulteries by those who apply the Word to execrable purposes, thus profaning or defiling it.

Experientiae Spirituales 4888 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4888. Erant etiam perplures, qui dicendi sunt scortatores et adulteri, qui doctrinam veram dixerunt se agnoscere, et tamen solum ore non corde agnoscebant, hi videbantur scortari et adulterari; erant alii qui in mundo studuerunt sacris, legendo Verbum, docendo illud, et usque non propter vitam sed solum propter doctrinam, dicendo quod fides doctrinalium salvet, non vita, illi apparebant scortari et adulterari a tergo. Sed dantur varii generis scortationes, et adulterationes. Adulteria etiam fiunt per eos, et illi committunt, qui ex sensu literae desumunt talia quae applicant ad confirmanda falsa mali, ita sinistre applicando Verbum, adultera foeda ab illis qui Verbum applicant ad spurca, ita id prophanando aut contaminando.

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