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《灵界经历》 第4889节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4889

4889. About spiders

A spider was seen dropping down from heaven by a spider thread. The spider's shape and descent were entirely like [that of an earthly spider], so much so that it could not be told apart from one. At first it looked like a small creature that was able to let itself down by a thread and also to raise itself. It was carried to the right and also there wanted to rewind upward to heaven, but was unable to do so without its being detected what and who he was. Other people said that to them it looked like a human being. The angels said that he was from the third [and lowest] heaven, and that they were such as for a long time had been poisoners or assassins, and had carried out such acts with trickery and deceit but were afterwards seen to repent by thinking about heaven and also by believing and by practicing piety in outward respects. When in this latter state, they are raised into heaven. However, in spite of this, what they are like inwardly is revealed because their inward characteristics are uncovered more and more, and as a result they cast themselves down from there and look like spiders.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4889


There was seen a spider, descending out of heaven by means of a spider's thread. It was of the form of a spider, and descended quite like one, so that it could not be distinguished. It first seemed a small one, which could let itself down, and also raise itself up, by means of the thread. It was borne to the right, and also, when there, wished to wind itself back toward heaven, but could not, because it was thus discovered who and what it was. Some said that it seemed to them like a man. It was said by the angels that it was from the third heaven, and that they [who presented this appearance] were such as have been, for a long period, poisoners or assassins, and practiced such things with cunning and deceit, but have afterwards seemed to repent, by thinking of heaven, and also by believing, and practicing piety in externals. When they are in this latter state they are raised up into heaven, but yet they are there discovered as to their inward quality - from the interiors are more and more opened up; and so they cast themselves down from thence, and appear like spiders.

Experientiae Spirituales 4889 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4889. De araneis

Visa est aranea e coelo per filum araneum delabens, forma araneae et delapsus prorsus similis, adeo ut non distingui possit, visa primum parva, quae potuit per filum se demittere, et quoque elevare, ferebatur ad dextrum et quoque ibi volebat se retexere versus coelum, sed non potuit, quin sic detectus quis et qualis esset; dicebant alii quod eis visa sicut homo; dictum ab angelis quod e tertio coelo esset, et quod essent tales, qui fuerunt diu venefici vel sicarii, et exercuerunt talia cum astu et dolo, sed postea poenitentiam agere visi sunt, cogitando de coelo, et quoque credendo, et in externis exercendo pietatem, illi cum in statu hoc postero sunt, elevantur in coelum, sed usque ibi deteguntur quales sunt intus, reteguntur enim interiora magis et magis, et sic inde dejiciunt se, et apparent sicut araneae.

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