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《灵界经历》 第4891节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4891

4891. About the first and second Resurrection, a continuation about what is in Revelation

Very many were seen coming down from heaven and going to that devil, as said just above [4886ָ7]. These are those who are of the second resurrection. They are unable to remain in heaven for the reason reported above, because they desire positions not out of a love of doing good to others but for the sake of honor, partly to be seen to be more prestigious than others, partly to acquire wealth. They were raised into heaven in the way in which others are elevated. This process of elevation was frequently observed, on both the left and right side, and in front and also behind. It took place both visibly and invisibly, but still perceptibly.

[2] They were raised for the purpose of making a balance against those who are in the hells and who want to destroy those who come into the other life, because when they are there [in heaven], they can then be held in something of goodness although they cannot be kept in it. On this account they are let down so that they can wander about and put off those loves as much as possible.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4891


Very many seemed to descend out of heaven, and to repair to that devil, as was just above said. These are they who are of the second resurrection [?death 2], who cannot stay in heaven for the reason which was assigned in that place, because they desire offices, not from the love of doing good to others, but on account of the honor - partly that they may seem more eminent than others, partly that they may acquire wealth. They were elevated into heaven by the way by which others are elevated. That elevation has been often observed, both on the left and right side, and before the face, and also at the back, both visibly and invisibly, but always perceptibly. They are elevated for the reason that they may constitute an equilibrium against those in the hells who wish to destroy those who come into the other life; for when they are there [i. e. in heaven] they can then be held in some good. But still they cannot be retained in it; wherefore, they are let down in order that they may wander about, and divest themselves of those loves as far as possible.


1. A consideration of AR 851, 853, strongly suggests that Swedenborg here intended the "first resurrection and second death." Possibly, also, a sight of his, MS. of the present passage might confirm this idea. -ED.

2. [NCBS Editor: Another reference to the explanation in footnote 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 4891 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4891. De prima et secunda Resurrectione, de qua in Apocalypsi continuatio

Visi sunt e coelo descendere perplures, et se conferre ad diabolum illum, ut mox supra dictum [4886-4887], illi sunt qui ex secunda resurrectione, qui non possunt in coelo morari, ex causa quae ibi allata est, quia desiderant munia non ex amore bonum faciendi aliis, sed propter honorem, partim ut videantur eminentiores aliis, partim ut lucrentur opes, illi elevati sunt in coelum per viam, per quam elevantur alii, elevatio illa saepe observata est tam a parte sinistra quam a dextra, et ante faciem, et quoque a tergo, tam visibiliter quam invisibiliter, sed usque perceptibiliter; elevati sunt ob causam, ut aequilibrium facerent contra illos qui in infernis, et volunt destruere illos qui in alteram vitam veniunt, cum enim ibi sunt, tunc in aliquo bono possunt teneri, sed usque non conservari, quare demittuntur, ut circumvagentur, et exuant amores istos, quantum possibile.

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