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《灵界经历》 第4892节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4892

4892. In the course of several days I saw and heard how the heavens were purified. Those who were immersed in bodily and worldly loves were cast down from there and did not want this to happen and so were unable to receive heavenly loves. This was carried out all around. Some were cast down; some were driven away; some went down of their own accord. They were distinguished from others by the fact that the devil, who at the time was C[harles] XII 1, who has self-love in the highest degree, spread his diabolical aura around. To the degree it was taken in, they were recognized and separated. Most took it in; nonetheless they were separated from him. There was a huge multitude and it was from many heavens; there were up to thousands. But certain of them were banished to the hells, certain were put into a state [of mind] that would make it possible for them to become better, and certain [into a state] to make it possible for them to be somewhere else and not disturb the minds of angels. The devil traveled around, and doing so drew his gang to himself.


1. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4892

4892. For several days I saw and heard how the heavens were purified. Those were cast down from thence who were in corporeal and worldly loves, and so were not willing, and thus not able, to receive heavenly loves. This was carried on all around me. Some of them were cast down; some were driven away; some descended of their own accord. They were separated from others by that devil, who was then Charles XII, who was in the greatest self-love, pouring around his diabolic sphere; and according as this was received, so were they recognized and separated. Very many received him, but still they were separated. There was a prodigious multitude, and from many heavens, amounting to even tens of thousands. But some of them were relegated to the hells; some were put into such a state that they might be able to become better; some that they might be elsewhere, and not disturb angelic minds. The devil was conducted around, and thus drew to himself his own crew.

Experientiae Spirituales 4892 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4892. Vidi et audivi per aliquot dies, quomodo coeli purificati sint, inde dejecti qui in amoribus corporeis et mundanis essent, et sic non vellent et sic non possent recipere amores coelestes, hoc peractum est circumcirca, quidam eorum dejecti sunt, quidam abacti, quidam sponte descendebant; discreti sunt ab aliis per quod diabolus, qui tunc erat C. XII, qui in summo amore sui, circumfunderet suam sphaeram diabolicam, quae sicut recipiebatur, ita agnoscebantur, et separabantur, plerique illum recipiebant, sed usque ab eo separati sunt. Erat ingens multitudo, et e pluribus coelis, usque ad myriades; sed quidam eorum relegati ad inferna, quidam missi in statum ut possent meliores fieri, quidam ut alibi essent, et non mentes angelicas turbarent. Diabolus circumferebatur, et sic ad se ducebat suam turbam.

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