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《灵界经历》 第4899节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4899

4899. Beside the entrances into the heavens, the ascent by these slopes to the hills, or rather, into the mountains, is seen. Those who ascend by another way, which is done using fantasies, are thrown down from there, for the haughtily proud elevate themselves through fantasies, but this happens apart from progressive development. Therefore, when they fantasize that they are in lofty regions, although they are in fact in the lowest regions, they are cast down from them instantly. Those who ascend using deceit, as those do who make themselves out to be angels of light, are cast down when they are recognized, and of course the graver their deceit, the further down they are cast. A certain one (Folkes 1) ascended to the heights in such a way, and when recognized, was cast down and deprived of his connection with his companions and lay as if dead.

Those who are in these higher places can see the lower things in all directions, and the lower gang is ruled by the Lord through them.


1. Dr. Achatius Kahl thinks this should probably be Ԇolcher." Johann Folcher was a Professor of Theology, born 1665 and died 1729. (Narratiunculae 19).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4899

4899. Beside the entrances into the heavens, there appears an ascent by those slopes to hills, or into the mountains. Those who ascend in any other manner - as also occurs, by means of phantasies - are cast down thence; for the haughty elevate themselves by phantasies, but this occurs without progression wherefore, when from phantasy they are in lofty places, yet are they then in the lowest places they are cast down from thence in a moment. Those who come up, by deceits, as they do who make themselves angels of light, are also cast down when recognized; and, in fact, the more precipitately the farther [they have ascended]. A certain one (Foller 1) ascended in such a way to lofty places, and was recognized. He was deprived of connection with his companions, and lay like one dead. Those who are in those higher places can see the lower regions, no matter from whence [they look]; and only through them are lower things ruled by the Lord.


1. Dr. Kahl thinks this should probably be "Folcher." Johann Folcher was a Professor of Theology, born 1665 and died 1729. -See Narratiunculoe, p. 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 4899 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4899. Praeterea introitus in coelos apparet ascensus per illa decliva ad colles seu in montes: qui aliter ascendunt, quod quoque fit per phantasias, illi inde dejiciuntur, nam per phantasias elevant se fastuosi, sed hoc fit absque progressione, quare cum in editis sunt phantasia, usque tamen in imis sunt, inde momento dejiciuntur; qui per dolos subeunt, sicut faciunt qui se lucis angelos faciunt, illi quoque dejiciuntur cum agniti, et quidem eo gravius quo ulterius; quidam (Folkes) tali modo ad edita ascendit, et agnitus, deprivatus est nexu cum sociis, et jaceret sicut mortuus. Qui in superioribus illis sunt, possunt videre inferiora undequaque; et turba inferior per illos a Domino reguntur.

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