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《灵界经历》 第4906节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4906

4906. There are even certain wicked spirits who can rush into one heaven from another, doing this so that no one can know where they are. And they then disturb those people lower down with their own ideas and harm them. As soon as they are discovered, they appear somewhere else in heaven in a moment. This is a wicked gang; they were brought up doing such things. They knew how to act and write in various ways that are contrived and deliberately untrue for the sake of deception. Those who enjoy such a nature become like this in other life and consequently harm others in various ways without being known.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4906

4906. There are also some impious spirits, who are able to project themselves from one heaven into another, and thus cause that no one may know where they are; and then they infest the people who are lower down with their ideas, and bring injury upon them. As soon as these are discovered, they appear elsewhere in heaven, in a moment. This crew is an impious one. In such practices are they trained who knew how to act and write, in various ways, such things as are fictitious and lying, for the purpose of deceiving. Those who have delighted in such an exercise, become of such a character in the other life, and thus also, unseen, they injure others in various ways.

Experientiae Spirituales 4906 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4906. Sunt etiam quidam nefandi spiritus, qui possunt ex uno coelo in alterum se projicere, et sic facere, ut nemo sciat ubinam sunt, et tunc inferiorem populum infestant ideis suis, et damnum illis inferunt, hi ut primum deteguntur apparent alibi in coelo momento, haec turba nefanda est, talibus imbuti qui sciverunt variis modis agere et scribere, quae inventa et mendacia sunt fallendi causa, qui tali genio gavisi sunt, illi tales fiunt in altera vita, et sic etiam incognito alios laedunt variis modis.

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