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《灵界经历》 第4928节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4928

4928. From these rocks, because they are high, they look far off into the distance. And all who are in between the rocks in the valleys, which are cultivated and where there are spirits who are being instructed and led to good, these they attack from the rocks in many ways, to the point that they cannot be safe from them in any way. And wherever they flee they follow with their eyes and attack them. Experience has shown that they do so at a great distance. In my case I was so far off that they were scarcely visible. Consequently many of their cities there sank, but those who had the goodness of faith and charity were saved.

This is what is meant by the things said in Matthew Chap. 28 about the sheep on the right and the goats on the left.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4928

4928. From those rocks, since they are lofty, they look afar off to a great distance; and all of those who are within the circuit of the rocks, in the valleys, which are well cultivated, and where are the spirits who are instructed and led to good - these, those on the rocks assail in many ways, so that they cannot be safe from them in any manner; and, whithersoever they flee, they pursue them with their eyes, and harass them. That they do this at a considerable distance, was shown by experience in myself, who was so far off that they could scarcely be seen. Therefore, their cities there, to a considerable number, sank down; but those who were in the good of faith and charity were saved. This is understood by those things in Matthew, chap. 25, about the sheep on the right hand, and the goats on the left.

Experientiae Spirituales 4928 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4928. E petris illis, quia altae, spectant in longinquum, ad multam distantiam, et omnes qui intra petras in vallibus, quae excultae, ubi spiritus qui informantur et ducuntur ad bonum, illos e petris lacessunt multis modis, adeo ut non possint in tuto esse pro illis ullo modo, et quocunque fugiunt, oculis suis persequuntur, et lacessunt, quod ad multam distantiam ita faciant, experientia ostensum est, in me, qui eram tam e longinquo, ut vix potuissent apparere, ideo urbes eorum ibi subsiderunt quoad plures, sed salvati qui in bono fidei et charitatis. Hoc intelligitur per illa quae apud Matthaeum Cap. XXV, de ovibus a dextris, et de hircis a sinistris.

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