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《灵界经历》 第4932节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4932

4932. Four of the good spirits were sent into the cities to choose a place for themselves, but they found evil and criminal spirits where they went. In two cities, when they had gone into a house and into a private room, some men from the city came in and asked whether they wanted to go out to find a prostitute and even wanted to encourage them to do so, almost forced them, so they walked out of these cities. It almost happened as in Sodom. The reason there is so much whoredom and adultery in the these cities is because in the world such things are regarded as nothing, and it is believed that they are allowable, and because they put everything pertaining to the church in doctrine and not in living, and also do not care whether the teachings are false or true. And falsifications of doctrine are acts of whoredom, and adulterations of good are acts of adultery.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4932

4932. Four of the good spirits were sent into the cities for the purpose of there selecting for themselves a mansion; but where they came they found evil and villainous spirits. In two [of the cities], when they entered a house and an apartment, certain ones of the city entered and asked whether they wished to go out and commit whoredom: they also wished to urge them to this, and almost to offer violence; wherefore, they departed from them. Thus, the affair was almost like what occurred in Sodom. The reason that there is so much whoredom and adultery in those cities, is, because, in the world, such things are everywhere regarded as of no moment and believed to be lawful; further, because they place the whole of the Church in doctrine and not in the life; as, also, because they do not care whether doctrinals are false or true: and falsifications of doctrine are whoredoms, and adulterations of good are adulteries.

Experientiae Spirituales 4932 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4932. Quatuor ex bonis spiritibus missi sunt in urbes, causa eligendi sibi mansionem, sed ubi venerunt, repererunt malos et scelestos, in binis quando ingressi sunt domum et conclave, intrarunt quidam ex urbe, et quaerebant num vellent exire ad scortandum, ad quod etiam illos volebant urgere, et paene violentiam inferre, quapropter ex illis egressae sunt; ita paene actum sicut in Sodoma; quod scortationes et adulteria in urbibus illis tanta sint, est causa quod in mundo talia ubique pro nihilo existimentur, et credatur quod licita, tum quia in doctrina ponunt omne Ecclesiae, et non in vita, ut et quod non curent num doctrinalia falsa aut vera sint, et falsificationes doctrinae sunt scortationes, et adulterationes boni sunt adulteria.

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