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《灵界经历》 第4933节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4933

4933. About the worst hell

The worst hell, which was formed of people of the most ancient Church, is on the left ahead, where those are who were called Nephilim, spoken about in the Word [Gen. 6:4], and called Rephaim by David [2 Sam. 21:16, 18]. It is the worst because they had enormous belief in themselves and conviction that there is no Divinity except in themselves. There they throw themselves into the densest cloud. I treated about them [elsewhere]. 1


1. Perhaps a reference to Arcana Coelestia 554ֹ8.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4933


The worst hell, which was from the men of the Most Ancient Church, is towards the left, in front, where those are who were called Nephilim, of whom we read in the Word, and who are called, by David, Rephaim. It is the worst, because they were exceedingly in self-persuasion, and the persuasion that there is no Divine except it be in themselves. They lie there in an exceedingly dense cloud. I have already treated of them.

Experientiae Spirituales 4933 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4933. De inferno pessimo

Infernum pessimum quod fuit ex hominibus antiquissimae Ecclesiae est sinistrorsum antrorsum, ubi illi qui dicti fuerunt Nephilim, de quibus in Verbo [Gen. VI: 4], et a Davide vocantur Rephaim [II Sam. 21:16, 18], pessimum est quia in persuasione sui et quod non Divinum nisi in semet, maximo fuerint, illi jacent ibi in crassissimo nimbo, de quibus actum est. 1


1. refert fortasse ad AC 554-598

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