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《灵界经历》 第4938节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4938

4938. In the Churches there are various kinds of holiness in those who are in them. In general there is outward holiness and there is inward holiness. Those who have outward holiness sit at the door of the church, and those who have an inward holiness directly opposite, far inside. I was in a church like this and listened to the preaching, although I did so with face turned aside because it is my custom to think about the things being preached, and I was not at the time being led by the Lord to be inspired with feeling for any particular doctrinal point, so long as it is from what is good, which nevertheless did happen later. I spoke with them afterwards and was given the opportunity to say that there is outward holiness and inward holiness; and there is an outward holiness where the inward elements are shut off either by what is filthy or by all kinds of evils, with unlimited variety. Because when inward holiness is not yet good, then it is closed lest it disturb the thoughts of those who think from inward holiness and are affected [by it]. In a word, there are all kinds. They are nevertheless held in order by the Lord by means of closings and openings of inward elements and consequent acts of control of outward elements.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4938

4938. In the churches there exist various kinds of sanctity amongst those who are there: in general, there is external sanctity and internal sanctity. Those who are in external sanctity sit at the door of the temple; those who are in internal sanctity are diametrically opposite, a long way within. I was in such a temple and heard one preaching - but with averted face, because I have the habit of thinking about the things that are preached; nor was I then led by the Lord to inspire affection into any doctrinal if only it is from good, as, however, happened afterwards. I spoke with those there afterwards, and it was given me to say that there is external sanctity and internal sanctity; and the sanctity is external where the internals - which are either filthy or not evil, with all variety - are closed; for, when the internal is not as yet good, it is then closed that it may not disturb the thoughts of those who think and are affected from the internal. In a word, there are all varieties [of sanctity], which are, besides, held in order by the Lord by means of closings and openings of the interiors, and temperings of the exteriors thence.

Experientiae Spirituales 4938 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4938. In Ecclesiis dantur varia genera sancti apud illos qui ibi, in genere sanctum externum et sanctum internum, qui in sancto externo sunt, sedent ad portam templi, qui in sancto interno e diametro intus longe, fui in tali templo, et audivi praedicantem, sed facie aversa, quia mos mihi cogitandi de rebus quae praedicant; nec tunc ducebar a Domino ad inspirandam affectionem cuicunque doctrinali, modo ex bono sit, quod tamen postea factum: loquutus cum illis postea, et dicere datum est, quod sanctum externum sit, et sanctum internum, et sanctum externum ubi interna sunt clausa, vel [per] spurca, vel per mala, cum omni varietate, cum enim internum adhuc non bonum est, tunc clauditur, ne illud turbet cogitationes illorum qui ex interno cogitant et afficiuntur; verbo sunt omnes varietates, quae tamen in ordine tenentur a Domino per occlusiones et apertiones interiorum, et inde moderationes exteriorum.

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