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《灵界经历》 第4940节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4940

4940. 1Later, a special prayer (bon) 2was said by a woman. She was permitted to give voice to it because she was able to be outwardly devout, and those [around her] were then variously affected. When this happened, I spoke with them saying that women can indeed utter prayers with affection and in so doing stir devotion and so holiness, but not teach, adding that nonetheless rarely [they can], when such women are inwardly devout.

[2] There was a woman in that church who uttered a prayer with such holiness that all were moved and believed that she was the best of all. She was examined as to her life and so as to her inward qualities. She was wicked. She was wicked toward her husband and toward everyone who did not praise her. She wanted to magically kill me and together with another woman filthily plotted against me.


1. Paragraph 4939 is missing in the original manuscript.

2. Swedish for ԰rayer"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4940

4940. 1Afterwards, a certain prayer (bon 2) was uttered by a woman, who was permitted to utter it because she could be in external devotion; and they were then variously affected. Thereupon I spoke with them, saying, that women are indeed able to enunciate with affection and thus to excite to devotion and sanctity, but not to teach. It must be added that still it is rarely that such ones are interiorly devout. The woman who uttered the prayer in that church with such sanctity that all were moved and believed that she was the best of them all - she, on being examined as to the life, thus as to interiors, was wicked - wicked against her husband and against all who did not extol her. She wished to kill me by magic, and, with another woman, plotted foully against me.


1. There is no number 4939 in the original.

2. A Swedish word meaning "prayer."

Experientiae Spirituales 4940 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4940. 1

Postea oratio quaedam (bon) dicebatur a faemina, quae admissa enuntiare illam, quia in devoto externo potuit esse, et tunc afficiebantur varie: cum hoc loquutus cum illis, quod faeminae quidem possint enuntiare cum affectione, et sic excitare ad devotum et sanctum, sed non docere; addendum, quod usque raro [possint], quum tales interius sint devotae.

[2] Erat mulier quae in Ecclesia illa orationem enuntiabat cum tali sancto, ut omnes moverentur, et crederent quod omnium optima esset, quae examinata quoad vitam, ita quoad interiora, mala fuit, contra maritum mala, contra omnes qui non illam extollebant, voluit necare me magice, ac insidiata est contra me cum alia foede.


1. 4939 deest

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