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《灵界经历》 第4942节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4942

4942. As regards the preachers: there are very many of such a nature, because preachers in the world are such and rarely different, unless they are simple folk, that is to say, not so educated. They have a falsely convincing faith that agrees with their doctrine because they have attested to it, and consequently the affections they have are outward and not inward. Inwardly envy and hostility rule if anything is so much as said about such things as are inwardly in man. But, still, there are some who are inwardly good, that is, who allow themselves to be led by the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4942

4942. As respects the preachers, there are very many of such a character (because they are such in the world, and rarely otherwise, save the simple or less learned) that they are in a persuasive faith that a thing is according to their doctrinal, because they have confirmed that with themselves; and thus, because they are in external affection and not in internal there inwardly reigns what is envious and hostile when anything is even said in any way about things of such a kind as are the interiors of man. But, still, there are some who are interiorly good, that is, who suffer themselves to be led by the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 4942 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4942. Quod praedicatores attinet, sunt plerique tales - quia tales in mundo, et raro alii, nisi simplices seu non ita eruditi - quod in fide persuasiva sint quod sit secundum doctrinale suum, quia id apud se confirmaverunt, et sic quod sint in affectione externa, et non interna, intus regnat invidiosum quid et inimicum si aliquo modo etiam de talibus quae sunt interiora hominis, dicatur, sed usque sunt qui interius boni sunt, hoc est, qui se a Domino duci patiuntur.

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