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《灵界经历》 第4946节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4946

4946. About the worst magicians of all from Africa, Cerberus 1

A certain one, who had been able to very forcefully strike fear and horror into the spirits who came, was brought up behind from a certain hell. He was positioned at my occiput, and all the spirits who came were terrified at a look from him and virtually fell backward from horror and fear. But after this a certain woman came who had a piece of a leg of meat wrapped in a linen cloth that she said was a morsel that she wanted to give him to eat. She came up and presented it. Virtually deprived of his life by this, his mind was numbed, and he could no longer think anything at all but stood like a statue. From this I could infer that this was the nature of those termed "cerberi" by the ancients, who were at the entrance to the lower place. He too was there. This place corresponds to the place at the back of the head.


1. In Greek mythology, the three-headed dog that guarded the entrance to the underworld.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4946


There was brought, from a certain hell to behind the back, a certain one who was able with great power to inspire fear and horror in the spirits who came. He was placed at my occiput; and all spirits who came under his gaze were terrified and fell back, as it were, out of horror and terror. But, afterwards, there came a certain woman who had, wrapped in a linen cloth, some of the flesh of a leg, which she called a morsel, and which she gave him to eat. He approached and stretched out [his hand]; and from it he was stupefied, as if deprived of his life, nor was he able any longer to think at all, but stood like a statue. Hence I could infer that such were those who are called by the ancients Cerberi, and who were in the entrance to the lower places. This woman was there also. The place corresponds in position to the occiput.

Experientiae Spirituales 4946 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4946. De omnium pessimis magis ex Africa, Cerberus

Quidam adducebatur ad tergum ex inferno quodam, qui multa potentia potuit timorem et horrorem incutere spiritibus, qui veniebant, is ponebatur ad occiput meum, et omnes spiritus qui veniebant, ad intuitum ejus percellebantur, et retro quasi cadebant ex horrore et terrore; sed venit postea quaedam mulier, quae habebat aliquid cruris carnei involuti linteo, quod vocabat offam quam daret ei edendam, accessit et porrexit, inde ille quasi privatus sua vita stupuit, nec amplius quicquam cogitare potuit, sed stetit sicut simulacrum, inde concludere potui quod tales essent qui dicti "cerberi" apud antiquos, qui in introitu ad loca inferiora, erat etiam ille ibi, hic locus correspondet loco ad occipitium.

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