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《灵界经历》 第4950节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4950

4950. After this I was enabled to hear those from whom the inflow came, to whom it was said that through their inflow such sorceresses commit enormous crimes. But they did not want to abstain, saying that they are receiving good things and so do not want to turn away from them. It was discovered that they had been like this in the world and had tolerated people like this who were inwardly religious but outwardly prone to crime. On account of this they were cast down from their place. They were high on a mountain, and when they came below, they went through a certain walkway toward the hell of sirens and went down a ways to its beginning, continuing on this way. By this action hell was opened to them in places. It was said of these that they had rescued certain women from that hell. But after this they were cast into another.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4950

4950. It was afterwards granted me to hear those speak from whom the influx came. It was said to them that through their influx such characters perpetrate an enormous crime. But they were not willing to abstain, saying that they [who receive the influx] receive goods, and that, therefore, they do not wish to avert themselves from them. It was discovered that they also were of such a character in the world, and tolerated such as were inwardly religious but outwardly vicious. 1Therefore were they also cast down from their place. They were on high upon a mountain; and when they came below, they went through a certain gallery towards the hell of sirens and let themselves down, [as to] the head, a certain number of paces, and proceeded in this manner - whereby it happened that that hell was opened, in places, to their associates. It was said of them that they took out certain ones from that hell; but they were afterwards cast into another.


1. The meaning here would seem to be religious in profession and precept, but not in practice. -Ed.

Experientiae Spirituales 4950 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4950. Postea audire datum est illos ex quibus influxus, ad quos dictum est, quod per influxum eorum tales patrent enorme facinus, sed illi non abstinere volebant, dicentes quod recipiant bona, et sic quod non velint avertere se ab illis, detectum quod etiam tales fuerint in mundo, et toleraverint tales qui intus religiosi sed extus facinorosi; ideo etiam illi e loco suo dejecti sunt, erant alte super monte, et cum infra veniebant, ibant per porticum quendam versus infernum sirenum, et se ad passus certos demittebant [quoad] caput, sic pergendo, per quod factum quod id infernum aperiretur suis in locis, de illis dicebatur quod exemerint quasdam ex illo inferno, sed illi postea alio conjecti sunt.

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