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《灵界经历》 第4949节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4949

4949. It was discovered where such spirits came from. They were sorceresses who were above in front, at some height. They spoke, saying that by means of them the ones mentioned earlier inflicted such things. The angels said that such were found in Africa and were inwardly religious but outwardly prone to crime, and consequently they receive an inflow from heavenly beings and turn it into such magic because there are corresponding things through which they [are able to] act. These arts come from in an inward aura, they said, and could not be resisted in a lower aura.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4949

4949. It was discovered whence such characters were. There were enchantresses at a certain height above, in front, who spoke, and said that the former ones inflicted such things by their means. The angels said that such exist in Africa, and that they are interiorly religious but exteriorly vicious, and that thence they receive influx from the celestials, and turn it into such magic - for the things by which they act are correspondences; so that those arts come from an interior sphere, and were irresistible in a lower sphere.

Experientiae Spirituales 4949 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4949. Unde tales essent, detectum est, erant magae quae supra erant antrorsum ad aliquam altitudinem, quae loquebantur, dicentes quod illae per illas talia inferrent, angeli dicebant, quod tales dentur in Africa, et quod interius religiosi, at exterius facinorosi, et quod inde influxum a coelestibus recipiunt, et illum vertant in tale magicum, nam sunt correspondentiae per quas agunt, sic quod artes illae ex interiori sphaera veniant, et quod irresistibiles essent in sphaera inferiori.

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