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《灵界经历》 第4959节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4959

4959. They were told that because truths alone have power, in the other life they are powerless to do anything because they do not have truths but false [ideas]: it is false that they have authority to rule in heavens and on earth, to worship saints as deities, to forgive sins. And it is false that the common people have very few truths because they ought to believe as the priests do and because they are held in dense ignorance. And this is all for the sake of dominion and worldly wealth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4959

4959. They were told that they have no power in the other life, because they do not possess truths but falses, and only truths have power. The falses are, that they have authority to rule in the heavens and the earths, to worship saints as deities, and to remit sins; also, that the common people possess very few truths, because they ought to believe as they [i. e. the priests] do, and because they are kept in dense ignorance; and this [policy] they have in common, for the sake of dominion and worldly wealth.

Experientiae Spirituales 4959 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4959. Dictum illis quod in altera vita nihil valeant, quia non vera sed falsa habent, quia vera sola potentiam habent; falsa quod potestatem habeant dominandi in coelis et in terris, colendi sanctos sicut numina, remittendi peccata, et quod vulgus paucissima vera habeant, quia credere debent sicut illi, et quia in densa ignorantia tenentur: et haec omnia propter dominatum, et mundi opes.

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