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《灵界经历》 第4969节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4969

4969. A communication of the right side of this mountain with the mountain to the left of the sun was seen. The communication appeared in front of the sun so that they almost obscured the sun. There were others who took away the heat. An immense multitude was seen in the place where this communication took place.

4969. [1/2]. A tower also appeared on the opposite side at the back. It corresponded to those who were on the mount of assembly, and there they similarly waved an armkladde 1when they wanted to arouse wicked adulteries.


1. Swedish for Ԩandkerchief"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4969

4969. There appears a communication between this right hand mountain, and a mountain to the left of the sun; which communication appears in front of the sun so that the mountains almost obscured the sun; thus they were those who took away love. In that place of communication appeared a vast multitude.

4969a. There also appeared a tower on the opposite side, at the back, which answered to those who are in the Mount of Assembly; and they there waved kerchiefs, in like manner, when they wished to excite impious adulteries.

Experientiae Spirituales 4969 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4969. Apparet communicatio dextri hujus montis cum monte ad sinistrum solis, quae communicatio appareret circum solem, fere ut obscurarent solem, alii qui tollerent ardorem, in communicatorio illo loco apparebat ingens multitudo.

4969 [1/[2] 1

. Apparuit etiam turris ex opposito a tergo, qui correspondebat illis qui in monte conventus, et similiter ibi vibrabant armklade, 2

dum excitare volebant nefanda adulteria.


1. sic J. F. I. Tafel pro 4969 altero in ms.

2. = mucinium

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