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《灵界经历》 第4972节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4972

4972. From that mountain, where the mount of assembly is, they declared with a loud voice that the Lord has no power in the heavens since He gave it to those who are the successors of Peter. Thus [they declared] that they are ruling in place of the Lord and that they are going to rule since the Lord is but one and there are tens of thousands of them and that tens of thousands can rule, which was earlier clearly seen by the Lord, and not one. They regard the Lord not as God but as an ordinary human, although as to the divine, conjoined to the Father from love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4972

4972. They said, with a loud voice, from that mountain which is the Mount of Assembly, that the Lord has no power in the heavens, since He had given it to those who are the successors of Peter; thus, that they rule, and will rule, in place of the Lord, since the Lord is one, but they are myriads, and myriads can rule as was foreseen by the Lord, while one cannot. They make out that the Lord is not God but a man, although, as to the Divine, conjoined with the Father from love.

Experientiae Spirituales 4972 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4972. Dicebant ex monte illo, ubi mons conventus, aperta voce quod Dominus in coelis nullam potestatem habeat, quoniam illam dederat illis qui ex successoribus Petri sunt, sic ut illi loco Domini dominentur, ac dominaturi sint, quoniam Dominus est unus, at illi myriades, et quod myriades regere possint, quod perspectum prius a Domino, et non unus; faciunt Dominum non Deum sed hominem, tametsi quoad Divinum ex amore conjunctum Patri.

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