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《灵界经历》 第4976节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4976

4976. Besides these, there were a great many that were idol-worshipers and many prelates who convinced worshipers that a stone was alive, showing it crying and many other things by which the simple were seduced to worship stone or wood, and they became totally idol-worshipers. As a result of this everywhere in the Churches and on the roads, the simple were on their knees in front of statues and were kissing these stones and thus were entirely involved in idolatrous worship. And although the more intelligent of their prelates saw this, still they tolerated it solely for the sake of acquiring wealth. And in this way the simple were kept in thick darkness about Divine worship, so that the prelates might be worshiped as gods and the simple might offer up their property to them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4976

4976. Moreover there were also very many who were in the worship of idols, and many prelates, who persuaded people that a stone was alive, exhibiting tears and several things, whereby the simple were seduced into worshipping stone or wood, and became altogether idolatrous. Hence it was, that, everywhere in the churches, and in the roads, there were simple persons on their knees before statues, and they kissed stones, and so were altogether in idolatrous worship (and, although their more intelligent prelates saw this, yet they tolerated it, merely for the sake of acquiring gain), and that they [i. e. the people] were thus kept in dense darkness concerning Divine worship, in order that by this means they might be worshipped as gods, and that they [i. e. the people] might offer their goods to them.

Experientiae Spirituales 4976 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4976. Praeterea etiam permulti erant, qui in cultu idolorum erant, et ex antistitibus qui persuadebant quod saxum viveret, ostendendo lachrymationem et plura, per quae simplices seducti erant ad colendum saxum aut lignum, et facti prorsus idololatrae sunt, inde erat, quod ubivis in Ecclesiis, et in viis coram statuis simplices in genubus essent, et oscularentur saxa, et sic prorsus in cultu idololatrico essent; et licet hoc videbant intelligentiores eorum antistites, usque tolerabant, solum lucri aucupandi gratia, et quod sic in densis tenebris tenerentur de cultu Divino, ut illi sic colerentur sicut dii, utque illis offerrent sua bona.

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