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《灵界经历》 第4979节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4979

4979. After this, on the left side of the sun, where the Lord was, a certain tower appeared where many were working. They wanted to build this tower up into the sky, above the clouds. It also was constructed to an incalculably great height, as high above the clouds as on Earth. They worked without stop, and in this way erected it. The Tower of Babylon was represented in this way. And also then what this tower symbolized was revealed by actual experience.

The ones below came from those who had been on the mountain earlier. They then had held a council and deliberated about the doctrine to be set as the standard for the people. This doctrine was what was represented by the tower, for a tower is doctrine.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4979

4979. There afterwards appeared on the left side of the sun, where the Lord is, a certain tower, where many were laboring; and they wished to build that tower and elevate it to heaven, and above the clouds. It was also constructed to an immense height, like above the clouds in the earth. They labored continually, and thus erected it. In this manner was represented the Babylonian tower, and then also was revealed, by like experience, what that tower signified. Below, were some of those who were previously upon the mountain, who at that time held a council, and deliberated concerning the doctrine which should be for a rule to the people. That doctrine was what was represented by the tower; for a tower is doctrine.

Experientiae Spirituales 4979 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4979. Postea apparebat a sinistro latere solis ubi Dominus quaedam turris, ubi plures laborabant, ac vellent turrim illam aedificare et elevare in coelum, et supra nubes, exstruebatur quoque ad immensam altitudinem, sicut in terra supra nubes, laborabant continue et sic elevabant; repraesentabatur sic turris Babylonica: et tunc quoque revelatum per vivam experientiam quid illa turris significabat; erant infra ex illis qui prius super monte, qui tunc concilium habebant, et consultabant de doctrina, quae populis pro norma esset; illa doctrina erat quae repraesentabatur per turrim, nam turris est doctrina.

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