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《灵界经历》 第4980节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4980

4980. While this was going on, however, communication between me and them was closed, so I did not know what they were creating. But once this doctrine had been hatched up and worked out, communication was opened and [the doctrine] was read. It was to this effect: 1) They should worship and adore the pope as the Vicar of Christ; 2) He had the keys of Peter, so he could open and close heaven to whomever he willed, and also hell; 3) They should worship Mary as the goddess of heaven; 4) as well as the saints below her, the saints who came before her and those who became saints after her; 5) The pope had supreme power over emperors and kings; 6) Emperors and kings had no part in the matters of the Church; 7) Those who do not acknowledge these things were condemned and had no blessing on Earth or in the heavens.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4980

4980. Meanwhile, the communication between me and them was closed, so that I did not know what they did; but, afterwards, that doctrine was sent out and carried into effect, so that communication was opened, and it [i. e. the doctrine] was read. It was to this purport: 1st, that they should worship and adore the Pope, as the vicar of Christ; 2nd, that he had the Keys of Peter, so that he was able to open and close heaven and also hell to whomsoever he would; 3rd, that they should worship Mary as the goddess of heaven; 4th, that they [should worship] also saints, beneath her - saints who were formerly holy men, and afterwards were made saints; 5th, that supreme power over emperors and kings belongs to the Pope; 6th, that emperors and kings have no business with the affairs of the Church; 7th, that they who would not acknowledge these things were condemned and had no blessing, either on earth or in the heavens.

Experientiae Spirituales 4980 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4980. Interea claudebatur communicatio inter me et illos, ut non scirem quid facerent, sed postquam doctrina illa exclusa et facta fuit, ut aperiebatur communicatio, et legebatur: quae talis erat

1) quod Pontificem colerent et adorarent ut vicarium Christi;

2) quod illi claves Petri essent, ut aperire et claudere posset coelum cuicunque vellet, et quoque infernum;

3) quod colerent Mariam sicut deam coeli;

4) quod etiam sanctos infra illam, sanctos qui prius sancti fuerunt, et qui postea fierent sancti;

5) quod papae summa potestas supra caesares et reges;

6) quod caesares et reges nullam rem haberent cum rebus Ecclesiae;

7) quod qui non agnoscerent illa, condemnarentur, nec aliquam benedictionem haberent in terra nec in coelis.

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