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《灵界经历》 第4994节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4994

4994. This female magician, among the worst of them, avoided punishments in various ways, under auspices of evil spirits above on that mountain spoken of earlier [4913-4918, 4950, 4957 ff.] and from others at the back who seemed to hide themselves behind the sun where the Lord is. They came forward and flowed in. They were from the Catholic religion.

Those who lie in wait at the back are the worst and are those who, when in the world, did all things secretly.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4994

4994. That sorceress from among the worst ones, avoided punishments in various ways, under the auspices of evil spirits above, on that mountain of which I have spoken before, and from others at the back who seemed to hide themselves behind the sun where the Lord is, and who then went to the front and inflowed. They were of the Catholic religion. Those who lie in wait at the back are of the worst sort, and are those who, in the world, did all things secretly.

Experientiae Spirituales 4994 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4994. Maga illa inter pessimas evitabat punitiones variis modis, sub auspicio spirituum malorum supra in monte illo, de quo prius [4913-4918, 4950, 4957 ff.], et ex aliis a tergo qui post solem ubi Dominus videbantur se occulere, qui tunc antrorsum ibant et influebant, qui ex Catholica religione erant. Qui a tergo insidiantur sunt pessimi, et sunt illi qui occulte omnia fecerunt in mundo.

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