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《灵界经历》 第5003节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5003

5003. There are four reasons why people die as children, adolescents, adults, or old men and women: 1) on account of their use to people when in the world; 2) on account of their use to spirits and angels when in the world, because a person is with spirits as to his or her inward elements and is there with them as long as he or she is in the world; 3) on account of the use to themselves in the world, either so that they may be regenerated, or so that they may be let into their own evils lest they lie as it were asleep and later erupt, which would result in the person's eternal ruin; 4) thus also on account of the subsequent usefulness in the other life, after death and to eternity, because all who will be in heaven have their place in the Grand human being or their place in hell in the opposite position, wherever forces are deficient they are balanced, and they are led there by the Lord's Providence. In this way the Lord's kingdom is cared for, whose well-being is Providence's universal concern.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5003

5003. The reasons why some die boys, some youths, some adults, some old men, are: 1st, on account of use in the world to men; 2nd, on account of use, while he is in the world, to spirits and angels; for man, as to his interiors, is with spirits; and he is there as long as he is in the world, in which all things in the spiritual world terminate; 3rd, on account of use to himself in the world, either that he may be regenerated, or that he may be let into his evils lest they lie dormant and afterwards break out, which would result in his eternal ruin; 4th, therefore, on account of use afterwards in the other life, after death, to eternity; for everyone who will be in heaven has his place in the Grand Man, or, on the other hand, he has his place in hell: wherever forces fail they are balanced, and, of the Providence of the Lord, men are brought thither. Thus also, the kingdom of the Lord is cared for, the welfare of which is universal Providence.

Experientiae Spirituales 5003 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5003. Quod moriantur pueri, juvenes, adulti, senes, habet 4 causas,

1) ob usum in mundo cum hominibus;

2) ob usum cum in mundo est cum spiritibus et angelis, nam homo quoad interiora sua est cum spiritibus, et ibi est quamdiu in mundo, in quem desinunt omnia ibi;

3) ob usum sui in mundo, vel ut regeneretur, vel ut in mala sua immittatur, ne sopita jaceant, et postea erumpant, quod fit in perniciem ejus aeternam;

4) ita quoque ob usum in altera vita dein post mortem in aeternum, nam unicuique sua loca sunt in Maximo homine, qui erunt in coelo, vel loca sua in inferno ex opposito - ubi desunt vires aequilibrantur - illuc deducuntur ex Providentia Domini, sic consulitur etiam Regno Domini, cujus salus est Providentia universalis.

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