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《灵界经历》 第5030节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5030

5030. Continuation about Babel

I spoke with the angels and it was said that those who embrace goodness without truth embrace adulterated goodness, and those who embrace truth apart from goodness embrace falsified truth. This is evident from those who were in the Catholic religion. The simple-minded among them embrace goodness without truth, because it is denied to them to read the Word and they do not hear mass except in the Latin language and truths are kept away from them in every way. This is done so that they may be held in darkness and believe their presbyters in order that through this they may be led by them for the sake of control and of wealth. Good works with them, therefore, are entirely adulterated, for example: they despise the Word, claim for themselves Divine power over heaven and over earth, worship human beings, make works meritorious, call enriching monasteries, which are abundant, holy works, besides many other things. This goodness is the source of their holiness, which cannot be inward but only outward, because inward holiness comes through faith's truths.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5030

5030. I spoke with angels: and it was said that those who are in good without truth are in adulterated good, and those who are in truth without good are in falsified truth; which is evident from those who are of the Catholic religion. Their simple-minded are in good without truth; for the reading of the Word is denied them, and they do not hear mass save in the Latin language, and truths are hidden from them in every way, so that they may be kept in darkness and believe in their clergy, that thence they may be led by them, for the sake of rule and for the sake of gain. Therefore, goods with them are wholly adulterated. According as they depreciate the Word, they arrogate to themselves Divine power over heaven and earth, worship men and make works meritorious. They call enriching monasteries, which abound, besides many such things, holy works. From this good is their holiness, which cannot be internal - for internal holiness is by means of the truths of faith - but only external.

Experientiae Spirituales 5030 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5030. Continuatio de Babel

Loquutus cum angelis, et dictum est, quod qui in bono sunt absque vero, in adulterato bono sint, et qui in vero sunt absque bono, in falsificato vero sint; quod constat ex illis qui in Catholica religione, simplices eorum in bono sunt absque vero, nam negatur illis legere Verbum, nec audiunt missam nisi latino sermone, et omni modo reconduntur illis vera, sic ut teneantur in tenebris, et credant presbyteris suis, ut inde duci ab illis possint, dominatus causa, et lucri causa, ideo bona apud illos prorsus adulterata sunt, prout, vilipendunt Verbum, sibi arrogant potestatem Divinam super coelum et super terram, adorant homines, opera faciunt meritoria, sancta opera vocant locupletare monasteria, quae abundant, praeter plura alia; ex hoc bono est sanctum eorum, quod non dari potest internum, quia internum sanctum est per vera fidei, sed modo externum.

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