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《灵界经历》 第5029节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5029

5029. Later when I was with some of the priests who did this kind of investigation, and when I spoke with them about the Lord, according to the genuine doctrine, they then grasped it entirely, and because they were then in the light, they acknowledged it and were also greatly affected. From this experience as well and also from the rest, I was given to know that they have the ability to apprehend both spiritual and civic truth, that they look out for themselves sensibly, and that this is inborn in them more than it is in others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5029

5029. I was afterwards with some of the priests who explored in this way; and when I spoke with them about the Lord, according to true doctrine, they then laid hold of it altogether, and because they were, at the time, in illustration, they acknowledged it, and were also exceedingly affected. From which experience, and likewise from the rest, it was also given me to know that they have apprehension of truth, both spiritual and civil; also, that they look out for themselves prudently, and that this is implanted in them more than in others.

Experientiae Spirituales 5029 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5029. Postea eram cum aliquibus ex sacerdotibus, qui ita explorabant, et cum loquutus sum cum illis de Domino, secundum doctrinam veram, tunc arripuerunt id prorsus, et quia tunc erant in illustratione, agnoscebant, et quoque afficiebantur admodum. Ex qua experientia etiam scire datum est, et quoque ex reliquis, quod apud illos sit apperceptio veri tam spiritualis quam civilis, et quod prospiciant sibi prudenter, et quod hoc insitum sit illis prae aliis.

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