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《灵界经历》 第5032节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5032

5032. About the Divine Human of the Lord in the heavens from this Earth

n. 10,695 1

In heaven the Divine Human is acknowledged everywhere, except in the heaven from the Christian world on this Earth, although this is only in the lowest heavens. However, in the third heaven all the angels, however many, all acknowledge God in the Human form, thus the Lord. Consequently, those from this earth who are such that they can be raised into the third heaven then come instantly to this perception, that God is in Human form, because such a perception is given to them there and appears as if innate because there they have goodness from love of God, thus of the Lord. In this heaven they do not know such a thing from knowledge but from the perception that comes from the goodness coming from the love of God. The angels in the lowest heavens also believe in the Lord, but according to the doctrine of the Church in the world. They have their life from this and are only gradually removed from it. Actually, the innermost angels in the spiritual heaven, through whom there is a communication of the spiritual kingdom with the heavenly kingdom, also have this perception when they turn themselves to the heavenly kingdom.


1. Arcana Coelestia.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5032


The Divine Human is acknowledged everywhere in heaven except in the heaven which springs from Christendom in this earth - but this is only in the lowest heavens. But in the third heaven, all angels whatsoever acknowledge God under the Human form, thus the Lord. Those, therefore, from this earth, who are such that they can be elevated into the third heaven, come then, at once, into that perception, that God is under a Human form; for such a perception is there given to them, and appears as if ingrafted, because those there are in the good of love to God, thus to the Lord. 1Nor in that heaven are they acquainted with such a thing from knowledge, but from a perception which is from the good of love to God. The angels in the lowest heavens also believe in the Lord, but according to the doctrine of the Church in the world. They have their life, from thence, with them, and are not removed from it save by degrees. Also, the inmost in the spiritual heaven, by whom there is communication of the spiritual kingdom with the celestial, are in that perception, when they turn themselves to the celestial kingdom.


1. The Latin edition has, here, a marginal note, "no. 10,159," evidently referring to the Arcana Coelestia, in which work, at the number mentioned, the same truth is declared as in the present place.

Experientiae Spirituales 5032 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5032. De Divino Humano Domini in coelis ex hac Tellure

In coelo agnoscitur Divinum Humanum ubivis, praeter in coelo quod ex Christianismi orbe in hac tellure, sed solum in coelis ultimis, at in coelo tertio omnes angeli quotcunque sunt, agnoscunt Deum sub Humana forma, ita Dominum, qui itaque ex hac tellure tales sunt, ut elevari possint in coelum tertium, tunc illico in illam perceptionem veniunt, quod Deus sit sub Humana forma, nam perceptio illis talis ibi datur, et apparet sicut insita, quia ibi in bono amoris in Deum sunt, ita in Dominum; nec in illo coelo sciunt tale ex scientia, sed ex perceptione quae est ex bono amoris in Deum; angeli in ultimis coelis credunt etiam in Dominum, sed secundum doctrinam Ecclesiae in mundo, vitam inde secum habent, nec ab illa removentur nisi per gradus. Etiam intimi, in coelo spirituali, per quos communicatio spiritualis regni cum coelesti, in illa quoque perceptione sunt, quando se ad coeleste regnum vertunt. 1


1. [AC] n. 10159

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