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《灵界经历》 第5033节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5033

5033. This perception, being innate in those who are in the third heavens, is also a result of the fact the whole of heaven flows in agreement with a form like that of a human being because there is a complete correspondence. And because this is the case, and they are in this flow of heaven and will and think by virtue of and in agreement with it, thus in agreement with order, their resulting perception is primary, for the rest are based on it. The angels who come to them are also recognized by it as to whether they are from the third heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5033

5033. That that perception is ingrafted in those who are in the third heaven, is also from the fact that the whole heaven flows according to such a form as is in man, for there is a complete correspondence; and, because this is the case, and they are in that flow of heaven, and by it and according to it, thus according to order, will and think, therefore their perception is primary; for upon it the remaining things [of their life] are founded. The angels, also, who come to them, are thence distinguished as to whether they are of the angels of the third heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 5033 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5033. Quod perceptio illa insita sit illis qui in tertio coelo, est quoque ex eo, quia totum coelum fluit secundum formam, qualis in homine, nam correspondentia est prorsus, et quia ita, et illi in eo fluxu coeli sunt, et per illum et secundum illum, ita secundum ordinem, volunt et cogitant, inde illorum perceptio primaria est, nam super illa fundantur reliquae. Internoscuntur etiam inde angeli, qui ad illos veniunt num ex angelis tertii coeli sunt.

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