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《灵界经历》 第5035节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5035

5035. As regards the Swedish cities, the capital is Stockholm; towards the east was Falun, toward the north Boras and so on. Nevertheless, all are in a city. Those too who live out in the country, remote from cities, have their homes there and still dwell in cities. The reason for this, also, is that those who are evil act as robbers, for there are robberies of various kinds among the evil which they carry out as soon as they are outside the city because then they are outside danger for their life, the law, and reputation. But the cities mentioned just above are inhabited by the evil.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5035

5035. As respects the Swedish cities, there is the capital, Stockholm; towards the east was Fahlun; towards the north Boras; and so forth - all, however, in one city. Those also who dwell in the provinces remote from the cities, have their houses there and live in cities still. The reason, too, is, that those who are evil act as robbers; for there are depredations of various sorts with the evil, which they practice as soon as they are outside the cities, thus, out of danger to their life, of the law, and to their reputation. But the cities named are inhabited by the evil.

Experientiae Spirituales 5035 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5035. Quod Svecanas urbes attinet, est capitalis Stockholmia, versus orientem erat Fahluna, versus septentrionem Bor_s, et sic porro, omnes tamen in una urbe; etiam qui habitant in provinciis remote ab urbibus, habent suas domos ibi, et habitant in urbibus usque, causa etiam est, quia qui mali sunt, agunt latrones, nam latrocinia varii generis apud malos sunt, quae exercent ut primum extra urbes, ita enim [extra] periculum vitae, legis, et famae sunt; sed memoratae illae urbes habitantur a malis.

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