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《灵界经历》 第5034节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5034

5034. About Swedish cities, and about the last judgment and about the Swedish nation

Also the people of Sweden dwell in cities for the reason spoken of before [cf. 5019], so that in this way they may be inwardly kept somewhat in fear of punishments by the law and the loss of reputation on account of profit and respect. This fear remains after death when they are in cities, and when they are outside of cities, it perishes. And as with other nations, the Swedish cities are numerous. Nonetheless one is near another so that they can go from one to the other in a minute. They are separated by a bit of distance or some sort of wall. And the cities are linked according to the different natures or characters of the populace, the character or nature depending on their native goods or evils, and so on the true or false conceptions they hold. Accordingly they are situated to the east, the south, the west, and the north. It is for the most part a single people that is united into one such unified city, but still they are interrelated in the following manner: where those united into cities are evil, the worst are in the middle of them there and by degrees they become better outward to the circumferences. In this way the evil who are within are protected. However, in cities where the good are, the best are in the middle and by degrees going out to the circumferences there are the not so good, and sometimes there are evil persons who can be improved. On account of this the angels who are above and within can tell immediately what the nature of the city is. They regard their characters or natures from the viewpoint of the doctrine of good and truth and so from life. It is as a result of this that cities in the Word symbolize doctrine.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5034


The Swedish nation also dwell in cities, for the reason already mentioned, that, namely, they may thus be kept in some interior fear of the punishments of the law, and of the loss of reputation on account of gain and honors. That fear remains after death when they are in cities; and when they are outside of cities it passes away. And the Swedish cities, as it is also elsewhere, are numerous; nevertheless, they are near each other, so that they are able to come in a minute from one to another. They are distinguished by somewhat of distance, or something of a wall, and the cities are associated according to the diversity of the character or disposition of the people. Disposition and character is according to those natural goods (or evils) and the truths (or falses) which thence result; thus, they are in the east, south, west and north. For the most part, one nation is associated into one such associated city; but they are conjoined in the following manner: when the evil are associated into cities, the worst of them are in the midst, and by degrees, towards the circumferences, are the better sort; thus are the evil guarded who are within. But in cities where the good are, the best are there in the middle, and by degrees, towards the circumferences, are such as are not so good, and, sometimes, evil ones who are capable of being reformed. Wherefore the angels who are above and within, are able at once to know of what quality a city is. They look at their disposition and genius from the doctrine of good and truth, and thence from life. Hence it is, that cities in the Word signify doctrine.

Experientiae Spirituales 5034 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5034. De urbibus Svecanis, et de ultimo judicio et de gente Svecana

Etiam gens Svecana habitat in urbibus, ex causa de qua prius [cf. 5019], ut sic teneantur in timore aliquo interiore pro poenis legis, et jacturae famae propter lucrum et honores, ille timor manet post mortem cum in urbibus sunt, et cum extra urbes, perit ille timor; et urbes Svecanae, sicut etiam alibi, sunt plures, una tamen prope alteram, sic ut possint intra minutum venire ab una in alteram, distinctae sunt per aliquid distantiae seu aliquid muri, et urbes consociatae sunt secundum diversitatem geniorum seu indolum populi, indoles et genius est secundum naturalia illorum bona vel mala, ac inde vera vel falsa, ita ad orientem, ad meridiem, occidentem, septentrionem, una gens plerumque consociata est in unam talem consociatam urbem, sed usque ibi ita conjuncti sunt, ubi consociati in urbes sunt mali, ibi in medio eorum sunt pessimi, et per gradus meliores usque ad circumferentias, sic tutantur mali qui intus; in urbibus autem ubi sunt boni, ibi in medio sunt optimi, et per gradus ad circumferentias sunt non ita boni, et quandoque mali qui possint emendari; quapropter angeli, qui supra sunt, et intus, possint illico cognoscere qualis urbs est, spectant illi eorum indoles et genios ex doctrina boni et veri et inde vita, inde est quod urbes in Verbo significent doctrinam.

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