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《灵界经历》 第5040节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5040

5040. How wicked and criminal most of that nation is, is indescribable. They are among the very worst sorcerers. Those who were involved in evil practices in the world do yet worse things in the other life. But these are purged rather quickly. However, those who had done work in the sciences, such as engineering, horticulture, and the like in the world, turn such things into magical practices and commit dreadful acts. But one cannot describe these things because they are such as cannot be grasped.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5040

5040. How wicked, and criminal are the most of that nation, cannot be described. Among the worst are magicians who in the world have practiced evils. In the other life they practice those things to a still worse extent; but they are the more speedily vastated. But those who have practiced in the world skilful arts, such as mechanics, gardening, and the like, turn such things into magic, and perpetrate dreadful enormities; but these it is not permitted to describe, as they are such as cannot fall into the apprehension.

Experientiae Spirituales 5040 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5040. Quam scelesti et facinorosi sunt plurimi ex illa natione, non describi potest, sunt magi inter pessimos, qui in mundo exercuerunt mala, in altera vita adhuc pejus illa exercent, sed illi vastantur citius, at qui in mundo exercuerunt artes ex ingenioso, ut mechanica, hortulana, et similia, illi vertunt talia in magias, et patrant dira, sed illa describere non licet, quia talia sunt, quae non cadere possunt in captum.

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