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《灵界经历》 第5043节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5043

5043. In sum, the Swedish people are worse than the others in Europe except for the Italians and Russians, because they think inwardly and do not expose all of themselves outwardly as much as many others do. They surpass others in their ability to put on a show of outward sincerity to such an extent that in the other life they can deceive whomever they please. They think more inwardly in themselves than others, but this does not appear outwardly. It was found that inwardly they harbor hatred's vengefulness and cruelty. And it was also shown that they have the cunning of hatred and vengefulness to the point of others' ruin. These are all uncovered in the other life because there what is within becomes visible. They do everything for friends; these are the only ones they treat hospitably, the ones who show them favor and guarantee their reputation, position and wealth, and have no regard for respectability, sincerity, fairness, or Christian good and the good intentions that follow along with them. To them these [virtues] are insignificant if they do not favor their desires. They harbor murderous hatred for those who do not favor them. These are their enemies, and in the other life they work with the hells with the utmost zeal to destroy the welfare of everyone there. In addition, what they are like as to their hatred's cunning and the vengeful acts it produces was shown. Those who are cunning, and using it succeed in their efforts, were seen at the back. At the time when the nature of their cunning was discovered, I was asleep. All were at the back and there plotted such things to the ruin of the good as can never be described. What they were attempting and how they prepared everything for it was carefully investigated, and it was learned that it was of such a nature that no one could ever believe it. They put those at the back who so far were still morally upright, [and] into them they induced the conviction that they themselves were good and that those who were good were evil. They gripped their neck and head, and by this the thoughts and will were bound in such a way that inward thought from the Lord could scarcely flow in. Those there who were engineers and evil found tricks for tying up this thought in various ways using correspondences, which look like ropes, so that the inflow of inward thought is further hindered. In one particular place they placed a certain madman who induced wrath and anger in many magical ways, because by so doing the inflow into the inner regions is blocked.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5043

5043. In brief, the Swedish nation is worse than the others in Europe, excepting the Italian nation and the Russian; for they think interiorly and not in externals; thus, they [in becoming evil] have surrendered their all. Like many others, they can prefer external sincerity to everything else, to such a degree that they are able, in the other life, to deceive, by that external sincerity, whomsoever they wish. They think more inwardly in themselves than others do; but this does not appear in externals. It was ascertained, that, interiorly, they harbor hatreds, the revenge of hatred, and ferocity, and as was also shown - that [they harbor] the cunning of hatred, or of revenge, even to the ruining of others; all of which things are revealed in the other life; for, there, interiors are exhibited. They do all things for friends who favor them, and their reputation, honor, and gain, and agree thereto, - such alone do they accept as friends; nor have they any respect for honesty, sincerity, justice, Christian good, and good intentions thence - which to them are matter of no moment - if people do not favor their cupidities and loves. They harbor deadly hatred against those who do not favor them, and are their enemies; and, in the other life, they labor with all diligence, in conjunction with the hells, to destroy the salvation of all there. It was shown of what quality, as to the cunning of hatred, and the revenges thence, are those who are in cunning, and, by means of cunning, devise plots. Since such is the nature of their craftiness, they appear at the back. Once, while I was asleep, they were all at the back, and there devised such things to the ruin of the good as can never be described. Their plot was investigated, and, also, how they prepared all things for it; and it was found to be such as no one could ever credit. They placed at the back such as were still upright, into whom they insinuated the persuasion that they were good and the good were evil. They held the neck and head; and, by this means, the thoughts and will were so bound, that interior thought from the Lord could scarcely flow in. Those who were mechanicians, there, and evil, devised means (which appear like ropes) for fastening these things in various ways, by means of correspondences, so that the influx of interior thought is further hindered. In a certain place they placed a certain madman, who, by many and magical modes, induced passion and anger; for thus influx into interiors is impeded.

Experientiae Spirituales 5043 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5043. In summa, Svecana gens prae aliis in Europa, praeter gentem Italicam, et Russicam, pessima est, nam interius cogitant, et non in externis ita posuerunt omne suum, sicut plures alii, prae reliquis possunt praeferre sinceritatem externam, usque adeo, ut in altera vita possint per externam illam sinceritatem decipere quoscunque velint, cogitant plus intus in se quam alii, sed hoc non apparet in externis; compertum, quod interius odia gerant, vindictam odii, et saevitiam, et quoque ostensum quod astum odii vel vindictae, usque ad perniciem aliorum, quae omnia deteguntur in altera vita, nam ibi interiora ostenduntur, pro amicis omnia faciunt, quos solum acceptant: qui sibi, suae famae, honori et lucro favent et adstipulantur, nec respectant ad honestum, sincerum, justum, bonum Christianum, et intentiones bonas inde, quae illis nullius rei sunt si non favent cupiditatibus et amoribus eorum; contra illos qui non favent, qui eorum inimici sunt, gerunt odium internecinum, et in altera vita omni studio laborant cum infernis destruere salutem omnium ibi; tum ostensum est quales sunt quoad astus odii et vindictas inde, qui in astu sunt, et per astus moliuntur, a tergo apparent, cum detecta est natura astus eorum, tunc cum dormivi, omnes a tergo fuerunt, et ibi machinati talia ad perniciem bonorum, ut nusquam describi possit, examinatum est molimen eorum, et quomodo omnia ad id paraverunt, et compertum quod tale esset, ut nusquam aliquis credere posset, posuerunt a tergo tales qui eo usque probi erant, quibus inducebant persuasionem quod illi essent boni, et qui boni essent mali, illi tenuerunt collum, et caput, et per id cogitationes et voluntatem ita vincta, ut vix posset cogitatio interior a Domino influere, qui mechanici ibi et mali, invenerunt artes ligandi illa variis modis per correspondentias, quae apparent sicut funes, ut adhuc impediatur influxus interioris cogitationis, in loco certo posuerunt rabidum quendam, qui multis et magicis modis induceret excandescentiam et iram, nam sic impeditur influxus in

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