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《灵界经历》 第5044节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5044

5044. They also took and used such a one from hell who was able to induce faith in all the good [spirits] who were around me, who had been provided as guards. He was able to induce [the belief] that the Lord God was in him, by which conviction they were likewise led astray. And then, using an inflow of outward sincerity from them [i.e., those Swedes] he was able to direct the minds of these away from them. Besides this, with remarkably hard work they opened the hells from the depths below so that they could rise up to help them and position themselves below the neck. Many of their leaders withdrew a considerable distance to an elevated location from which they could survey everything, both the things around me and the hells. They also established a communication and made an opening for many from a deep hell there so that they could call up aid to that place. These and many other things were planned by them while I was sleeping, and when I awoke I was tied up in such a way that I almost gave up hope. But after a few hours the bonds were loosened, and they were seen and recognized and handed over for punishment. Nevertheless, those who can feign outer sincerity are unconcerned about punishments because they are still given high positions by the upright. In addition, many of the diabolical crowd from the Catholic religion joined together and conspired to bring help from a certain lofty mountain.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5044

5044. They also took, from hell, such a one as was able to induce faith in all the good who were around me, and given as a guard. This one could induce [the belief] that the Lord God was in him - by which persuasion, also, they were seduced; and, afterwards, those [evil ones] were able to avert the minds of the others, by an influx of external sincerity from them: besides this, with wonderful activity, they opened the hells in the depths, so that they rose to their assistance and placed themselves under the neck. Many of the leaders removed themselves to a great distance, on to a lofty place, whence they could behold all things, both those things which were around me, and the hells. They also made a communication and an opening for many, from a deep hell, there; so that they might also be able to call forth assistance thence. These and many other things were arranged by them, while I slept; and, when I awoke, I was so bound that I almost came into despair; but, after a few hours, the bonds were loosened, and they [who fixed them] were seen and recognized and delivered up to punishment; but, still, those who can feign external sincerity do not mind punishments, for they are always raised up by the upright. Moreover, also, many of the diabolic crew, of the Catholic religion, associated themselves together: these conspired with one another, and brought assistance from a certain lofty mountain.

Experientiae Spirituales 5044 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5044. interiora; sumserunt etiam ab inferno talem, qui potuit inducere fidem omnibus bonis qui circum me, et dati ut praesidia, qui inducere potuit quod Dominus Deus in illo fuerit, ex qua persuasione etiam illi seducti sunt, et dein potuerit avertere animos eorum per influxum sinceritatis externae ab illis, praeter quam mirabili industria aperuerint inferna e profundis, ut surgerent in auxilium eorum, et se ponerent sub collo; ductores multi ad insignem distantiam in edito loco se removerunt, unde spectare possent omnia, tam illa quae circum me, quam inferna, pro multis fecerunt quoque communicationem et aperturam a profundo inferno ibi, sic ut possent etiam illuc evocare auxilia; haec et plura parabantur ab illis cum dormiebam, et cum evigilabam eram ita vinctus, ut in desperationem paene venirem; sed post aliquot horas soluta sunt vincula, ac visi et agniti, etiam supplicio traditi, sed usque supplicia non curant illi, qui externam sinceritatem possunt mentiri, nam a probis usque elevantur. Praeterea etiam associabant se plures ex diabolica turba ex religione Catholica, qui conspirabant, et auxilia ferebant, e monte quodam edito.

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