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《灵界经历》 第5046节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5046

5046. This nation has the love of domineering more than others, some for honor, some for profit, because they are not wealthy like other nations. Consequently almost all seek public offices. And since they have inward thoughts, in the other life they devise sly tricks that are more malicious than those of others and are such as cannot be described. [They do this] for the purpose of being more prestigious than others and harming them, because in the love of domineering lie contempt, enmity, envy, hatred, revenge, savagery and cruelty. Those who have trained their minds by studies such as engineering, horticulture and the like know better than others how to devise extremely deceitful tricks.

[2] Those of them who were of such a nature were gathered together by having the worse ones let in because by so doing everyone's characteristic nature is distinguishable, and they are arranged according to their differences and subsequently sent into a suitable hell. I saw a crowd of many assembled in this way. They were cast into a hell that was at a distance, in front on the plane of the left foot. A deep chasm opened there, and they were pushed down through it. When it was opened, it looked like the diabolical crowd there flew out into a high place. The appearance was like a column of such spirits in the high place, and a whirlpool appeared, like waters spiraling down through an opening, and those who were pushed downwards fell as it were through this opening. However, there were paths by which this crowd, which was large, went down. Afterwards it could be heard in that opening, and I noticed that there was a broad space there and that many thousands could be cast into it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5046

5046. In that nation more than others, is the love of governing, with some on account of honor, with others, of profit; for they are not wealthy like other nations, and hence, nearly all seek after public employments; and, since they have interior thoughts, therefore, in the other life, they, more than others, devise malicious arts, and such as cannot be described, for the sake of being eminent above others, and of injuring others; for, in the love of governing there dwells contempt, enmity, envy, hatred, revenge, ferocity, cruelty. Those who have exercised their intellectual faculty by means of such pursuits as mechanics, gardening, and the like, know, better than others, how to devise the most deceitful arts. Those of them who are of such a character, were collected, by worse ones being let in among them; for by this means are the minds of all discriminated, and arranged according to their differences, and afterwards remanded to suitable hells. I saw a considerable crowd, thus collected, cast into a hell which was at a distance in front, in the plane of the left foot. A chasm was opened there, and through that they were thrust down. When it was opened, it appeared as if the diabolic crew, there, rushed out on high: there was the appearance, as it were, of a column of such on high: and there appeared a whirlpool, as it were of water, gliding down through the chasm, in a vortex; and those who were thrust down thither, as it were glided down through that chasm; but, yet, there were ways, by which the crew mentioned, which was numerous, descended. They were afterwards heard in that chasm; and it was perceived that there was a wide space there, and that many myriads could be cast in thither.

Experientiae Spirituales 5046 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5046. Nationi huic inest prae aliis amor dominandi, quidam propter honorem, quidam propter lucrum, nam non sicut aliae nationes opulentes sunt, inde omnes paene functiones publicas ambiunt; et cum interiores cogitationes habent, ideo in altera vita excogitant artes prae aliis malitiosas et tales ut non describi possint, propter causam eminendi super alios, et laedendi illos, nam amori dominandi inest contemtus, inimicitia, invidia, odium, vindicta, saevitia, crudelitas, qui exercuerunt intellectuale suum per studia, sicut mechanica, hortulana et similia, sciunt prae aliis machinari dolosissimas artes.

[2] Qui tales ex illis, collecti erant per quod pejores immissi inter illos, nam per id discernuntur omnium animi, et secundum discrimina ordinantur, ac postea amandantur in inferna convenientia, vidi turbam multorum ita collectam, dejici in infernum quod ante erat ad distantiam in plano pedis sinistri, aperiebatur ibi hiatus, et per illum detrudebantur; cum aperiebatur, apparebat sicut diabolica turba ibi evolaret in altum, apparentia erat sicut columna talium in altum, et vorago apparuit sicut aquae delabentes per hiatum in gyrum, et qui illuc detrusi sicut per hiatum illum delapsi, sed usque erant viae per quas descendebat illa turba, quae multa erat, audita dein in illo hiatu, et perceptum quod ibi latum spatium esset, et quod possent illuc conjici plures myriades.

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