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《灵界经历》 第5056节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5056

5056. The middle of this mountain is also higher, so this height grows toward the middle. When a visitation comes, which happens when the Lord sends angels to that place to investigate the quality of those there, or rather, sends certain ones through whom they see heaven, then those are separated who are in the mountain and in the city there. If the mountain is made up of those who are good, the good are in the center and those who are less so are at the sides. But if the mountain is made up of those who are evil, then the evil come into the center, and when this happens, those who are in the center sink down. This happened with the mountain spoken of here, which was in the west toward the north.

Is important that those who are in that upper mountain be involved in what is good as regards life and doctrine, because the doctrine and life of the lower beings, whose worship is of an outward nature, depends on this, and the hells which are below them depend on this too.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5056

5056. The middle of the upper mountain is also higher, so that that height increased towards the middle. When visitation takes place, which happens when the Lord sends angels thither in order that the quality of those there maybe explored, or [when He sends] certain ones by whom they see heaven, then those who are in the mountain, and in the city there, are separated; if the mountain consists of the good, the good are in the middle and the less good at the sides; but if the mountain consists of the evil, then the evil go into the middle; and, when this takes place, those who are in the middle sink down. This happened with the mountain here mentioned, which was at the west, northwards. It is important that they who are in the upper mountain be in a good life and doctrine; for on them depends the doctrine and life of the lower inhabitants, who are in external worship; and also on them depend the hells which are under these.

Experientiae Spirituales 5056 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5056. Medium montis superioris est etiam altius, sic ut altitudo illa cresceret versus medium, quando visitatio venit, quod fit cum Dominus mittit illuc angelos ut exploretur quales ibi sunt, seu quosdam per quos coelum vident, tunc separantur illi qui in monte et in urbe ibi, si mons ex bonis consistit, in medio sunt boni et deteriores ad latera; at si mons ex malis consistit, tunc in medium veniunt mali, et cum hoc fit subsidunt illi qui in medio. Quod factum est cum monte, de quo hic, qui erat ad occidentem versus septentrionem. Interest ut illi qui in superiore monte sint in bono vita et doctrina, nam inde pendet doctrina et vita inferiorum, qui in cultu externo sunt, et quoque inde pendent inferna quae sub illis.

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