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《灵界经历》 第5055节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5055

5055. I saw a higher mountain, that is to say, those who were there, that they raised flags in their midst and in this way stirred up those who were in the mountains all around to do evil to those who had been sent by the Lord. And when they were exhorted to take the flags away, they did not want to do so, because they had been stirred up by a diabolical gang outside them, and perhaps among them. I saw that a diabolical gang rose up from the middle as if from a pit, but this pit was closed; and it was learned that the top of this mountain with the city there was shaken back-and-forth and that there was an earthquake, by which is meant the same thing as by shaking, and earthquakes in the Word.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5055

5055. I saw the upper mountain, or those who were there, and that they raised standards in their midst, that they might thus excite those who were on the mountains round about, to do evil to those who were sent by the Lord; and, when exhorted to take away the standard, they would not, because they were excited by a diabolical crew outside them and possibly amongst them; which diabolical crew, surged out of the midst, as it were, of a pit; but that pit was closed, and it was discovered that the top of that mountain, together with the city there, was shaken hither and thither, and that there was an earthquake; by which the same is signified as by a shaking and an earthquake in the Word.

Experientiae Spirituales 5055 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5055. Vidi superiorem montem, seu illos qui ibi, quod elevarent signa in medio, ut sic excitarent illos qui in montibus circumcirca ad malum faciendum illis qui a Domino missi sunt, et cum exhortati quod auferrent signum, non vellent, quia excitati a diabolica turba extra illos, et fortassis inter illos, quod e medio sicut e puteo exsurgeret turba diabolica, sed puteus ille claudebatur, et compertum quod caput illius montis cum urbe ibi concuteretur huc illuc, et quod esset terrae motus, per quae significatur idem quod in Verbo per concutere, et terrae motus.

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