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《灵界经历》 第5059节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5059

5059. About those who injure the left eye

There were certain ones below me, under the left buttock, and there they made magical articles that they put together out of interacting things which they got from mental images and from observing where these mental images went and reached their final stage. And they made many things out of these, such as wreaths of flowers, chains, [and] especially garments, which at this point, because of the interaction in the lowest things, had a communication with those who had corresponding things and chiefly with those there who did not have life's more inward qualities, for if there had been communication with those who were inwardly good, it could have then brought injury to the heavens of those who have inward qualities.

[2] Those who did this magic were in particular engineers who when in the world had denied God and eternal life, thus the things which are the Church, although in the world they did not admit this openly out of hypocrisy and the fear of the loss of reputation, position, wealth. Polhem 1was chief among them. He also persuasively said that he frankly acknowledged the true doctrine, the one I have, which he did in order to investigate arcane matters and so much the better turn them into magical articles. They are such as brought a rather sharp pain to my left eye, to the point of tears, but then their guile was revealed, and they were pushed down and punished.


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 4722.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5059


There were certain ones below me, under the left buttock, who there made magical [instruments], which they composed out of correspondences which they have acquired from order, and from observing what ideas passed through the mind and were terminated. And therefrom they made many things, such as garlands, bands, and especially garments; which then, on account of correspondence in ultimates, had communication with those who were in the correspondences, and particularly with those there who were not [in] interiors of life; for if it had been with the interiorly good, then they would also have been able to inflict mischief on the heavens which are in internals. Those who made those magical things, were principally mechanicians who, in the world, have denied God and eternal life, thus the things of the Church, although, from hypocrisy, and fear of the loss of reputation, honor and profit, they did not confess this in the world with the mouth. Conspicuous amongst them was Polhem, who also persuaded [the others] that they should, with the mouth, confess the true doctrine which was with me; in order that, thus, he might explore arcana, and the better turn them into magic. Such ones induced quite an acute pain in my left eye, until it watered. But their craftiness was then discovered, and they were driven away and punished.

Experientiae Spirituales 5059 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5059. De illis qui laedunt oculum sinistrum

Fuerunt quidam infra me, sub sinistra clune, et ibi magica faciebant quae componebant ex correspondentiis, quas ceperunt ex ideis, et ex observatione quo ideae pergebant et terminabantur, et inde faciebant plura, sicut serta, vincula, imprimis vestes, quae tunc propter correspondentiam in ultimis communicationem habebant cum illis qui in correspondentiis erant, et praecipue cum illis ibi qui non [in] vitae interioribus erant, nam si cum interius bonis, tunc quoque damnum potuisset inferre coelis qui in internis, qui magica illa faciebant erant praecipue mechanici, qui in mundo, negarunt Deum, et vitam aeternam, ita illa quae Ecclesiae sunt, tametsi ore id non fassi sunt in mundo ex hypocrisi, et timore jacturae famae, honoris, lucri, inter illos erat Polheim praecipuus, qui quoque persuasit, quod ore faterentur doctrinam veram, quae apud me, ut sic arcana exploraret, et in magica eo melius verteret, tales sunt qui dolorem satis, penetrantem inducebant oculo meo sinistro, usque ad lamentationem, sed tunc detectus est astus eorum, et depulsi ac puniti.

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