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《灵界经历》 第5061节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5061

5061. Those from the other mountain, where there were also Mohammedans, spoke with me. They were quite able to understand the things being spoken about. And because they were like this, and also of a different nature, Christians cannot come to them. When they do come there [they become] like fish in air, as also was shown. And besides this, they are protected on a lower level where those who are from another planet come to them and are there eaten up as it were by wolves. Those who are able approach them using tricks they question and then rough up because these spirits want to hurt them. Those of their own people who come to them go up by a hidden path.

[2] I spoke with them about many wives, and their elders considered with me the reasons why it has been commanded by the Lord that they have only one wife, and they found the rightness in these reasons. But this [practice] had been allowed in the world because they were Orientals; if many wives had not been allowed them, they would have burned with adulteries like wild animals, and thus all there would have perished. They went into the reasons in depth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5061

5061. They spoke with me from the other mountain, where also were Mohammedans, who had a keen apprehension of the matters about which the conversation was; and because they were of such a character, and also of a different genius, Christians cannot come to them. When they do come thither, they are like fish in the air, as also was shown. Moreover, they are guarded beneath, where those who come to them from another globe are, and where they are eaten up, as it were, by wolves. Those who are able to come to them by means of arts, they examine, and afterwards ill-treat; because these wish to inflict injury upon them. Those of their own nation who come to them, ascend by a secret way. I spoke with them about a plurality of wives; and their elders investigated with me the reasons why it was commanded by the Lord that men should have but one wife; and they discovered justice in them; but this was allowed them in the world, for the reason that they were Orientals, and if several wives had not been allowed them, they would have rushed into adulteries, like beasts, and thus all there would perish. They entered well into reasons.

Experientiae Spirituales 5061 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5061. Ab altero monte loquuti sunt mecum, ubi etiam Mahumedani, qui erant admodum apperceptibiles rerum de quibus loquela, et quia erant tales, et quoque ex alio genio, Christiani non possunt venire ad illos, cum illuc veniunt [, fiunt] sicut pisces cum in atmosphaera, quod etiam ostensum; et praeterea infra custoditi sunt, ubi illi qui ex alio orbe ad illos veniunt, ibi deglutiuntur sicut a lupis; qui illos adire possunt per artes, hos inquirunt, et postea male tractant, quia damnum illis inferre volunt; qui ab illorum gente ad illos veniunt, per occultam viam ascendunt: loquutus sum cum illis de pluribus uxoribus, et seniores eorum examinabant apud me causas, cur a Domino mandatum ut modo unam uxorem haberent, et inveniebant justitiam in illis, sed hoc illis concessum fuit in mundo, ob causas quia orientales erant, et si non plures uxores illis concessae fuissent flagrassent sicut ferae in adulteria, et sic omnes ibi perirent: intrabant bene in rationes.

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