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《灵界经历》 第5076节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5076

5076. I heard one spirit coming there who as soon as he came, began to work and produce things, and actually did so according to correspondences, that is, corresponding to such things as they are thinking. They lift stones, for example, for thinking truth; beams and pieces of wood for doing good; going into houses and opening doors for forming ideas; and many things like that. Those of them who are not good are comic actors, depending on the nature of the correspondences. It is a ridiculously funny lot.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5076

5076. I heard one spirit coming to that place, who, as soon as he came thither, began to act and operate, and even according to correspondences. They thus act correspondence with such things as they think: for example, they lift up stones to represent thinking truth; beams and timbers to represent doing good; entering houses and opening doors to represent thinking; and many similar things. Those of them who are not good, are altogether such mimics according to the correspondence of their evils. They are a comic and ridiculous crew.

Experientiae Spirituales 5076 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5076. Audivi unum spiritum illuc venientem, qui statim ut illuc venit, coepit agere et operari, et quidem secundum correspondentias, ita correspondentia talibus quae cogitant; sicut tollunt lapides pro cogitare verum, trabes et ligna pro facere bonum, intrare in domos aperire januas pro cogitare et similia plura; qui eorum non boni sunt, sunt prorsus mimi tales secundum naturam correspondentiarum, est turba comoeda et ridicula.

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