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《灵界经历》 第5075节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5075

5075. About demons

I was sent among demons, and at the time my sight was opened a little so that I could see them. I saw them running about here and there and doing things, but such things as were of no account: they ran to me, ran back, took a jar out of the house, went in, but they did not speak. The demons are such that they do useless things, and evil ones too, but they do not think. Their will controls them, not their thought which pertains to the intellect separate [from the will].

Those who come into the other life who are demons are not immediately sent among demons, but remain among spirits in order that by so doing they may learn to think and in this way be initiated into what is good. But if the result is fruitless, they are then sent among demons who are of this character. They then rejoice as if they have come into their own life. But there are many kinds of demons.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5075


I was let in amongst the genii, and then my sight was opened a little, so that I might see them. I saw them running about, hither and thither, and doing things; but such things as were of no consequence. They ran up to me, ran back again, took vessels out of a house, entered it, but did not speak. The genii are of such a character that they do useless and also evil deeds, but do not exercise thought. The will ruled them, and not the thought which belongs to the understanding in a state of separation [from the will]. Those who are genii, who come into the other life, are not sent amongst the genii at once, but tarry amongst spirits; so that they may, by this means, learn to think, and thus be initiated into good. If this is to no purpose, they are then sent amongst the genii, who are of that disposition. They then rejoice, just as if they are coming into their own ease of life. But there are many kinds of genii.

Experientiae Spirituales 5075 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5075. De geniis

Missus sum inter genios, ac tunc parum aperiebatur visus, ut viderem illos, vidi eos discurrentes huc illuc, et facienties, sed talia quae nullius rei erant, currebant ad me, recurrebant, eximebant vasa e domo, intrabant, sed non loquebantur, tales sunt genii quod faciant inutilia et quoque mala sed non cogitent, illos regit voluntas non cogitatio quae intellectus separati. Qui in alteram vitam veniunt qui genii sunt, non statim inter genios mittuntur, sed morantur inter spiritus, ut per id discant cogitare, et sic initientur in bonum, si hoc vanum est, tunc mittuntur inter genios, qui ex ea indole sunt, laetantur tunc sicut veniant in suum esse vitae; sed geniorum plura genera sunt.

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