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《灵界经历》 第5078节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5078

5078. When the rocks or mountains have come into the possession of such evil spirits, then too sometimes a wind comes from the east, which in the Word is called the East Wind, and dries up everything there, namely the gardens, fields, meadows and everything left in the fields and plains, and also makes buildings eye-sores. And their clothes are also changed, because this wind comes from the region where the Lord is, that is, from the heavenly heaven, on which account all evils are destroyed by it. I also felt such a wind, which to me seemed gentle and serene. From this is evident what is symbolized by the East Wind that dried up the Red Sea, by which hell is symbolized.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5078

5078. When the rocks and mountains are taken possession of by evil spirits, then sometimes also there comes a wind from the east, which, in the Word, is called the East Wind, and dries up all things there, namely, the gardens, fields, green swards and whatever is left in the fields and plains, and also cleanses offensive buildings; and, likewise, their garments are changed; for that wind comes from the region where the Lord is, thus from the celestial heaven; wherefore, by this means, all evils are destroyed. I also perceived such a wind, which to me appeared gentle, but also effective in clearing the atmosphere. Hence appears what is signified by the East Wind which dried up the Red Sea whereby hell is meant.

Experientiae Spirituales 5078 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5078. Quando petrae vel montes obsessi sunt malis spiritibus, tunc quandoque etiam ab oriente venit ventus, qui in Verbo vocatur ventus orientalis, et exsiccat omnia ibi, nempe hortos, agros, vireta et reliqua in agris et campis, et quoque aedificia turpia facit, et quoque vestes eorum mutantur, nam ventus ille ex plaga ubi Dominus venit, ita e coelo coelesti, quare per id omnia mala destruuntur; talem ventum etiam percepi, qui mihi apparebat lenis, et serenus; inde patet quid per ventum orientalem significatur, qui exsiccavit mare rubrum, per quod significatur infernum.

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